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将坐标从长岛区域转换为纬度。 带R的长格式

[英]Transform coordinates from Long Island Zone to Lat. Long format with R

I have the following data set with coordinates in the State Plane Coordinate System from 1983. All coordinates are located in the Long Island Zone (3104). 我在1983年以来的州平面坐标系中有以下带有坐标的数据集。所有坐标都位于长岛区域(3104)。

structure(c(1008031L, 1000852L, 1001869L, 1005306L, 986887L, 
998031L, 1018703L, 1014319L, 1016186L, 1006977L, 1006891L, 1000883L, 
1001403L, 999812L, 1010077L, 1015918L, 984241L, 1013735L, 986848L, 
998243L, 1007312L, 1005663L, 992415L, 999771L, 1006787L, 987215L, 
990271L, 1015773L, 999342L, 1007245L, 1007098L, 996980L, 1006886L, 
999643L, 1008769L, 1016489L, 1004212L, 986848L, 1001512L, 1002584L, 
1001753L, 1004625L, 990725L, 1013435L, 1010795L, 1007509L, 1009419L, 
NA, 1009731L, 999007L, 999007L, 1000195L, 985863L, 990064L, 1008192L, 
1008306L, NA, 1003280L, 1006541L, 1001264L, 1003844L, 1008345L, 
987951L, 999104L, 1009013L, 998201L, 984182L, 1004940L, 1004513L, 
999659L, 1018204L, 1005918L, 1008158L, 999629L, 982208L, 1008008L, 
983985L, 1003591L, 992033L, 1012144L, 1008285L, 1004196L, 999937L, 
1007579L, 1001610L, 1013897L, 985504L, 1003588L, 1000088L, 1002230L, 
999304L, 1001393L, 997666L, 999148L, 997501L, 1004670L, 994699L, 
1005950L, 994821L, 998160L, 233036L, 228179L, 190702L, 186668L, 
173599L, 234924L, 241414L, 182198L, 178657L, 178140L, 242280L, 
236356L, 235184L, 238138L, 181374L, 245648L, 149582L, 211309L, 
212883L, 176387L, 243183L, 237170L, 149315L, 188471L, 242047L, 
215403L, 203844L, 240835L, 233575L, 234932L, 166665L, 174885L, 
193881L, 228852L, 244547L, 247336L, 178750L, 212883L, 232231L, 
248715L, 182080L, 242885L, 204176L, 251857L, 183147L, 245160L, 
235573L, NA, 243613L, 229814L, 229814L, 229856L, 212233L, 225331L, 
245037L, 245316L, NA, 229886L, 243541L, 232832L, 250988L, 235949L, 
220453L, 192913L, 242619L, 173610L, 150037L, 169914L, 180635L, 
229932L, 239783L, 190990L, 244973L, 243379L, 170319L, 246638L, 
205857L, 242274L, 215119L, 236944L, 245256L, 183865L, 238365L, 
183413L, 241367L, 238753L, 216029L, 249617L, 230093L, 176647L, 
227192L, 200533L, 177016L, 187285L, 170971L, 233870L, 176744L, 
179753L, 177866L, 227234L), .Dim = c(100L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(
    NULL, c("xcoord", "ycoord")))

I need to have the coordinates in lat./long. 我需要有纬度/经度的坐标。 format or wgs84. 格式或wgs84。

Can someone tell me how I do this? 有人可以告诉我我该怎么做吗? Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

You can do this with rgdal and sp . 您可以使用rgdalsp进行此rgdal

# I made a guess at the PROJ4 string that your data was in. This is using SRID: 2831
long.island.proj4<-CRS("+proj=lcc +lat_1=41.03333333333333 +lat_2=40.66666666666666 +lat_0=40.16666666666666 +lon_0=-74 +x_0=300000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs")
# Remove the missing values in your data, and convert to SpatialPoints
# Project to lat/long

Alternative to rgdal is proj4 package. 替代rgdalproj4软件包。 It has transform function. 它具有transform功能。 I guessed the projection being used was http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/32118/ 我猜想正在使用的投影是http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/32118/

dat <- structure(c(1008031L, 1000852L, 1001869L, 1005306L, 986887L, 
998031L, 1018703L, 1014319L, 1016186L, 1006977L, 1006891L, 1000883L, 
1001403L, 999812L, 1010077L, 1015918L, 984241L, 1013735L, 986848L, 
998243L, 1007312L, 1005663L, 992415L, 999771L, 1006787L, 987215L, 
990271L, 1015773L, 999342L, 1007245L, 1007098L, 996980L, 1006886L, 
999643L, 1008769L, 1016489L, 1004212L, 986848L, 1001512L, 1002584L, 
1001753L, 1004625L, 990725L, 1013435L, 1010795L, 1007509L, 1009419L, 
NA, 1009731L, 999007L, 999007L, 1000195L, 985863L, 990064L, 1008192L, 
1008306L, NA, 1003280L, 1006541L, 1001264L, 1003844L, 1008345L, 
987951L, 999104L, 1009013L, 998201L, 984182L, 1004940L, 1004513L, 
999659L, 1018204L, 1005918L, 1008158L, 999629L, 982208L, 1008008L, 
983985L, 1003591L, 992033L, 1012144L, 1008285L, 1004196L, 999937L, 
1007579L, 1001610L, 1013897L, 985504L, 1003588L, 1000088L, 1002230L, 
999304L, 1001393L, 997666L, 999148L, 997501L, 1004670L, 994699L, 
1005950L, 994821L, 998160L, 233036L, 228179L, 190702L, 186668L, 
173599L, 234924L, 241414L, 182198L, 178657L, 178140L, 242280L, 
236356L, 235184L, 238138L, 181374L, 245648L, 149582L, 211309L, 
212883L, 176387L, 243183L, 237170L, 149315L, 188471L, 242047L, 
215403L, 203844L, 240835L, 233575L, 234932L, 166665L, 174885L, 
193881L, 228852L, 244547L, 247336L, 178750L, 212883L, 232231L, 
248715L, 182080L, 242885L, 204176L, 251857L, 183147L, 245160L, 
235573L, NA, 243613L, 229814L, 229814L, 229856L, 212233L, 225331L, 
245037L, 245316L, NA, 229886L, 243541L, 232832L, 250988L, 235949L, 
220453L, 192913L, 242619L, 173610L, 150037L, 169914L, 180635L, 
229932L, 239783L, 190990L, 244973L, 243379L, 170319L, 246638L, 
205857L, 242274L, 215119L, 236944L, 245256L, 183865L, 238365L, 
183413L, 241367L, 238753L, 216029L, 249617L, 230093L, 176647L, 
227192L, 200533L, 177016L, 187285L, 170971L, 233870L, 176744L, 
179753L, 177866L, 227234L), .Dim = c(100L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(
    NULL, c("xcoord", "ycoord")))

lonlat <- project(dat, 
    '+proj=lcc +lat_1=41.03333333333333 +lat_2=40.66666666666666 +lat_0=40.16666666666666 +lon_0=-74 +x_0=300000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs ', 

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