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[英]How to compare two dictionary

I have two array of dictionaries and i want to compare them 我有两个字典,我想比较一下

Actually the dictionary structure is like the interest list of Facebook, like below 实际上字典结构就像Facebook的兴趣列表,如下

I want to find out the common interest between me and my friend 我想找出我和朋友之间的共同兴趣

I retrieved the interest list of both user, but while I am comparing the dictionary of interests as the created_time differs so I am not getting the common dictionary 我检索了两个用户的兴趣列表,但是当我比较兴趣字典时,因为created_time不同,所以我没有得到通用字典

        category = "Musical instrument";
        "created_time" = "2011-06-11T09:10:07+0000";
        id = 113099055370169;
        name = Guitar;


            category = "Musical instrument";
            "created_time" = "2013-09-27T06:02:28+0000";
            id = 113099055370169;
            name = Guitar;

Can anybody suggest any efficient way to do this 任何人都可以建议任何有效的方法来做到这一点

Now I am using but it is not giving me the common interests as created_time different 现在我正在使用,但它并没有给我带来共同的利益,因为

for (int count = 0; count < [arrFriendsInterest count]; count++)
    NSDictionary *dictFriend = [arrFriendsInterest objectAtIndex:count];

    if ([arrMyIntrest containsObject:dictFriend]) {
        [arrMutualInterest addObject:dictFriend];


where arrFriendsInterest is array of dictionaries containing friend's interest 其中arrFriendsInterest是包含朋友兴趣的字典数组

and arrMyIntrest is the array of dictionaries containing my interests×Comments may only be edited for 5 minutes×Comments may only be edited for 5 minutes×Comments may only be edited for 5 minutes 而arrMyIntrest是包含我的兴趣的字典数组×注释只能被编辑5分钟×注释只能被编辑5分钟×注释只能被编辑5分钟

First of all are you store that data in NSArray? 首先,您将数据存储在NSArray中吗?

If YES then please use following code much more easily to use. 如果是,那么请更轻松地使用以下代码。

// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
NSArray *ar1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Musical instrument",@"category",@"2011-06-11T09:10:07+0000",@"created_time",@"113099055370169",@"id", @"Guitar",@"name", nil], nil];

NSArray *ar2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Musical instrument",@"category",@"2013-09-27T06:02:28+0000",@"created_time",@"113099055370169",@"id", @"Guitar",@"name", nil], nil];

NSMutableSet* set1 = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:ar1];
NSMutableSet* set2 = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:ar2];
[set1 unionSet:set2]; //this will give you only the obejcts that are in both sets

NSArray* result = [set1 allObjects];
NSLog(@"%@",[result mutableCopy]);

Happy Coding.!!! 快乐编码!!!

This assumes that you only need to compare "id" values: 假设您只需要比较“ id”值:

NSArray* myIds = [arrMyInterest valueForKey:@"id"];

for (int count = 0; count < [arrFriendsInterest count]; count++) {
    NSDictionary *dictFriend = [arrFriendsInterest objectAtIndex:count];

    // Not clear whether "id" is NSString or NSNumber -- use whichever
    NSString* friendId = [dictFriend valueForKey:@"id"];
    if ([myIds containsObject:friendId]) {
         [arrMutualInterest addObject:dictFriend];

instead of using NSDictionary why don't using custom classes? 为什么不使用自定义类而不是使用NSDictionary?

You can have a lot of benefits: 您可以享受很多好处:

  • code completion 代码完成
  • compile-time checking 编译时检查
  • custom isEqual method 自定义isEqual方法
  • code is self-explained 代码是不言自明的

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