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[英]Code behaves differently in Android and Windows

I try to draw on a bitmap. 我尝试绘制位图。 This works fine in Windows but creates a segmentation fault in Android (anyhow, that's what Delphi says, I just see no reaction on Android). 这在Windows中运行良好但在Android中创建了一个分段错误(无论如何,这就是Delphi所说的,我只是看不到Android的反应)。 I have a mobile project, form containing only a TToolbar, TSpeedButton, two TLabels and a TImage. 我有一个移动项目,表单只包含一个TToolbar,TSpeedButton,两个TLabel和一个TImage。 There's just one eventhandler for the TSpeedButton click. TSpeedButton点击只有一个事件处理程序。

When I comment out everything below the comment the code works fine in Android. 当我在评论下方注释掉所有内容时,代码在Android中运行良好。 When I try to follow with the debugger the code works fine to the end of the procedure. 当我尝试使用调试器时,代码在过程结束时工作正常。 without seeing a drawing or a segmantation fault. 没有看到绘图或分离错误。 When I let it run on the fault occurs. 当我让它运行时就发生了故障。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

procedure TForm2.Button_DrawClick (Sender: TObject);
var rct: TRectF;
    h, w: Int32;
  h := Trunc (Image.Height);
  w := Trunc (Image.Width);
  Label_Height.Text := IntToStr (h);
  Label_Width .Text := IntToStr (w);
  rct := TRectF.Create(20, 20, w - 20, h - 20);
// can be commented out below //
  Image.Bitmap.Create (w, h);
  if Image.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene then
    Image.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Color := $FF0000FF;
    Image.Bitmap.Canvas.StrokeThickness := 3;
    Image.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawEllipse (rct, 20);
    Image.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Color := $FF00FF00;
    Image.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawRect(rct, 0, 0, AllCorners, 40);
  end; // try..finally
end; // Button_DrawClick //

This code is wrong on all platforms. 此代码在所有平台上都是错误的。

Image.Bitmap.Create (w, h);

That runs the constructor on an already constructed instance. 它在已构造的实例上运行构造函数。 You don't want to do that. 你不想那样做。 You might get away with it on some platforms but it's never right. 你可能会在某些平台上侥幸逃脱,但它永远不对。

Set the bitmap dimensions like this: 像这样设置位图尺寸:

Image.Bitmap.SetSize(w, h);    

You may want to call Clear on the bitmap too. 您可能也想在位图上调用Clear。

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