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[英]Code behaves differently on two different network type

I have following code for testing the server connectivity. 我有以下代码来测试服务器连接。
I have a device that has Ethernet as well as Wi-fi connectivity. 我有一台具有以太网和Wi-Fi连接的设备。

When user switch network from Ethernet to wifi or vise verse, i do the test for server connectivity and i check if my server is reachable or not with the new network. 当用户将网络从以太网切换到wifi或vise verse时,我会进行服务器连接测试,并检查我的服务器是否可以通过新网络访问。

I have following code: 我有以下代码:

public class TestActivity extends Activity
    Button test_btn = null;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

        test_btn = (Button)findViewById(R.id.testButton);
        test_btn.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() 
            public void onClick(View v) 
                Log.d("TestApp", "onClick Starting Test");

    void startTest()
        ServerTestThread mServerTestThread = new ServerTestThread()

    class ServerTestThread extends Thread 
        boolean result = false;
        public void run() 
             boolean result = false;
             HttpGet request = new HttpGet("www.MyServer.com");
             HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();
             HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);

                 HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParameters, 6000);
                 HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, 6000); 
                 HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);

                 int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                 if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) 
                     result = true;
             catch(Exception e)
                 result = false;

             Log.d("TestApp", "Ping Result:"+result);


This code works fine on my device when i connect my device to internet using Ethernet connectivity, but when i switch from Ethernet to WI-FI this code gives me false result every time. 当我使用以太网连接将设备连接到互联网时,此代码在我的设备上正常工作,但是当我从以太网切换到WI-FI时,此代码每次都会给我错误的结果。

Using wi-fi i am able to ping to MyServer using the android browser, but from my application i am not able to ping to my server. 使用wi-fi,我可以使用android浏览器ping到MyServer,但是从我的应用程序中我无法ping到我的服务器。

Do i need to add something extra to my code to make it work for wifi and Ethernet? 我是否需要在代码中添加额外的东西才能使其适用于wifi和以太网?

I have also Tried to with InetAddress.getByName("www.MyServer.com").isReachable(timeout) but it also giving me the same results. 我也尝试使用InetAddress.getByName("www.MyServer.com").isReachable(timeout)但它也给了我相同的结果。

Is there any reliable way of implementing ping in Android which will work across differnt platforms. 有没有可靠的方法在Android中实现ping,它可以在不同的平台上运行。

sorry use this one 抱歉使用这个

class ServerTestThread extends Thread 
boolean result = false;
public void run() 
     boolean result = false;
     HttpGet request = new HttpGet("www.MyServer.com");
     HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();

         HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParameters, 6000);
         HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, 6000); 
         HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);///write this line below  
         HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);

         int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
         if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) 
             result = true;
     catch(Exception e)
         result = false;

     Log.d("TestApp", "Ping Result:"+result);

} }

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