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Android UI的行为与不同的显示硬件不同

[英]Android UI behaves differently with different display hardware

My android device behaves in a strange manner when I connect a 1366 X 768 lvds display. 当我连接1366 X 768 lvds显示器时,我的android设备的行为异常。 The UI is different from what I was getting with HDMI connected. 用户界面与连接HDMI时的界面不同。 I'm getting a different home screen with some other wallpaper and more than that the navigation keys at the bottom are missing. 我得到的是带有其他墙纸的不同主屏幕,而且还缺少底部的导航键。

It looks like based on the hardware display configuration the UI is configured. 基于UI的硬件显示配置,它看起来像。

Is there a way to override this behaviour? 有没有方法可以覆盖这种行为? Please suggest some ways to tackle this.. 请提出一些解决方法。

Android Version : Lollipop 5.0.1 安卓版本:棒棒糖5.0.1

issue was due to a hard coded display density parameter. 问题是由于硬编码的显示密度参数。 It was hard coded to 240. Issue is resolved when the density value is changed to 160. 它被硬编码为240。当密度值更改为160时,问题得以解决。

$adb shell "echo qemu.sf.lcd_density=160 >> /system/build.prop" $ adb shell“ echo qemu.sf.lcd_density = 160 >> /system/build.prop”

Thanks, Arjun. 谢谢,阿俊

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