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Crystal Reports:本节各页上的表标题

[英]Crystal Reports: Table header on each page in section

I have a report with several subreports. 我有一个包含几个子报表的报告。 Each of these subreports has a section header, a "table header" (which is just a few textboxes that say the name of each column of the table) and a table. 这些子报表中的每个子报表都有一个节标题,一个“表标题”(只是几个文本框,它们表示该表的每一列的名称)和一个表。

If the table is multiple pages in length, though, it needs to display the "table header" at the top of each subsequent page. 但是,如果该表的长度为多页,则需要在每个后续页面的顶部显示“表头”。 It currently looks like this: 当前看起来像这样:

Section Header
Col1 Col2 Col3
Data Data Data
Data Data Data

line break

Data Data Data
Data Data Data

But it needs to look like this: 但它需要看起来像这样:

Section Header
Col1 Col2 Col3
Data Data Data
Data Data Data

line break

Col1 Col2 Col3
Data Data Data
Data Data Data

I'm no expert on Crystal Reports but I don't think I can make it a conditional page header, because it still needs to be under the section header on the first page. 我不是Crystal Reports的专家,但我认为我不能将其设置为有条件的页眉,因为它仍需要位于第一页的节标题下。 Does anybody have any ideas? 有人有什么想法吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Try using page headers instead of report headers 尝试使用页面标题而不是报告标题

If you are using a group you can use: Report> Group Expert->Options->Options "Repeat Group Header On Each Page" 如果使用的是组,则可以使用:报告>组专家->选项->选项“在每个页面上重复组标题”

Assuming that the Section Header is actually the Group Header, you will not be able to lay it out the way you want it without some tweaking. 假设节标题实际上是组标题,那么您将无法对其进行布局,而无需进行任何调整。 You can use Page Headers which will show up at the top of every page, above the Group Header. 您可以使用页面标题,该页面标题将显示在每页顶部,组标题上方。 You could add a second Group Header section and put your labels there, then in the Group Expert check "Repeat Group Header on every page, but that will also repeat the main Group Header. You could get creative, reset your page count each time the group changes and then doa conditional suppress on the main group header if the page number <> 1. 您可以添加第二个“组头”部分,并在此处放置标签,然后在“组专家”中选中“在每个页面上重复组头,但这也会重复主组头。您可以发挥创意,每次重新设置页数时,组更改,然后在页码<> 1时对主组标题执行条件抑制。

Hope that helps, 希望能有所帮助,

Chris 克里斯

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