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Crystal Reports-页面标题中的细节显示未对齐

[英]Crystal Reports - Details diplaying misaligned in Page Header

I'm using Crystal Reports for Visual Studio and I'm having a strange issue that's confounding me. 我正在使用Crystal Reports for Visual Studio,但遇到一个奇怪的问题,这使我感到困惑。 I have a few simple reports comprised of 3-5 columns of data from a database. 我有一些简单的报告,其中包含来自数据库的3-5列数据。 On my Production server (IIS 7.5) the Details section displays overlaying the Page Header which are the column headings. 在我的生产服务器(IIS 7.5)上,“详细信息”部分显示为覆盖“页面标题”,即页面标题。 The strange part is it's not all the columns on any given report. 奇怪的是,不是给定报告中的所有列。 It could be one column or multiple columns but at least one column displays correctly. 它可以是一列或多列,但至少一列可以正确显示。 In Report Preview, on my Development Machine, or on my Intranet (IIS 6) the reports display perfectly. 在报表预览中,在我的开发机上,或在我的Intranet(IIS 6)上,报表都能完美显示。 I've searched extensively and tried a number of things but I'm at a loss. 我已经进行了广泛的搜索并尝试了许多方法,但是我很茫然。

The dll versions in the BIN directory match between environments and the files in the aspnet_client match as well. BIN目录中的dll版本在环境之间匹配,aspnet_client中的文件也匹配。

OK, I finally figured it out and it's a two parter... 好吧,我终于想通了,这是两个伙伴...

1) The first problem was a version mismatch between GAC's on my development machine and my live server. 1)第一个问题是开发计算机和实时服务器上GAC的版本不匹配。 My server was running 13,04.705 and my development machine was 13.02.469. 我的服务器正在运行13,04.705,而我的开发计算机是13.02.469。 Once, I updated my development machine I could reproduce the behavior on both. 一次,我更新了开发机器,就可以在两者上重现该行为。

2) To recap the issue... The details columns would print like this. 2)概括问题...详细信息列将像这样打印。

Name Info Data Data 名称信息数据数据

The problem turned out to be that formula fields would display a row higher than data fields in their row. 问题是公式字段显示的行要比其行中的数据字段高。

To resolve the issue, I had to change the Paragraph formatting on each object. 若要解决此问题,我必须更改每个对象上的段落格式。 The Line Spacing was set to 1.5 for Formula fields when I changed that to 1 everything lined up. 当我将公式字段的所有行都更改为1时,公式字段的行距设置为1.5。

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