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Crystal Reports 11页面标题

[英]Crystal reports 11 Page header

i have 4 page headers in crystal report 11. in one of the page header has sub report. 我在Crystal Report 11中有4个页面标题。在一个页面标题中有一个子报告。 i have a problem, when sub report data has more than one page. 我有问题,当子报表数据有多个页面时。 the reports are not displaying properly. 报告无法正确显示。 please help me to correct it. 请帮助我纠正它。

In your sub-report, if you don't want the header to repeat, go into the Section format settings for the sub-report and either turn them off completely or make it conditional with something like: 在您的子报表中,如果您不想重复标题,请进入子报表的“节”格式设置,然后将其完全关闭,或者使用以下条件使其成为条件:

If PageNumber > 1 then True Else False 如果PageNumber> 1,则为True,否则为False

(The True is for Suppress; false would mean Don't Suppress) (“真”用于抑制;“假”表示“不抑制”)

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