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[英]How do I iterate over a dictionary and return the key in Python?

I have a dictionary in Python with people's last names as the key and each key has multiple values linked to it. 我有一个用人的姓氏作为键的Python字典,每个键都有多个链接到它的值。 Is there a way to iterate over the dictionary using a for loop to search for a specific value and then return the key that the value is linked to? 有没有一种方法可以使用for循环遍历字典以搜索特定值,然后返回该值链接到的键?

for i in people:
      if people[i] == criteria: #people is the dictionary and criteria is just a string
            print dictKey #dictKey is just whatever the key is that the criteria matched element is linked to

There maybe multiple matches as well so I need to people to output multiple keys. 也许还有多个匹配项,所以我需要人们输出多个键。

You can use list comprehension 您可以使用列表理解

print [key
          for people in peoples
          for key, value in people.items()
          if value == criteria]

This will print out all the keys for which the value matches the criteria. 这将打印出所有与值匹配的键。 If people is the dictionary, 如果people是字典,

print [key
          for key, value in people.items()
          if value == criteria]
for i in people:
  if people[i] == criteria:
        print i

i is your key. i是你的钥匙。 That's how iterating over dictionary works. 这就是对字典进行迭代的方式。 Remember, though, that if you want to print keys in any specific order - you need to keep results in a list and sort it before printing. 但是请记住,如果要按任何特定顺序打印密钥,则需要将结果保存在列表中并在打印之前对其进行排序。 Dictionaries don't keep their entries in any guaranteed order. 字典不会以任何保证的顺序保留其条目。

Use this: 用这个:

for key, val in people.items():
    if val == criteria:
        print key

Given a dictionary of lastnames and traits: 给定一个姓氏和特征词典:

>>> people = {
    'jones': ['fast', 'smart'],
    'smith': ['slow', 'dumb'],
    'davis': ['slow', 'smart'],

A list comprehension nicely finds all lastnames matching some criteria: 列表理解很好地找到了符合某些条件的所有姓氏:

>>> criteria = 'slow'
>>> [lastname for (lastname, traits) in people.items() if criteria in traits]
['davis', 'smith']

However, if you're going to do many such lookups, it would be faster to build a reverse dictionary that maps traits to a list of matching last names: 但是,如果要进行许多此类查找,则构建反向字典以将特征映射到匹配的姓氏列表会更快一些:

>>> traits = {}
>>> for lastname, traitlist in people.items():
        for trait in traitlist:
            traits.setdefault(trait, []).append(lastname)

Now, the criteria searches can be done quickly and elegantly: 现在,可以快速而优雅地完成条件搜索:

>>> traits['slow']
['davis', 'smith']
>>> traits['fast']
>>> traits['smart']
['jones', 'davis']
>>> traits['dumb']

Try this one, 试试这个

for key,value in people.items():
        if value == 'criteria':
                print key

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