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Flask-Restful:如何发送非JSON POST参数?

[英]Flask-Restful: How to send non-json POST argument?

I have a problem making the simple (non-json) arguments work with POST. 我在使简单(非json)参数与POST一起使用时遇到问题。 Just taking the simple example from their tutorials, I can't make a unit test where the task is passing as an argument. 仅以他们的教程中的简单示例为例 ,我无法对任务作为参数传递的位置进行单元测试。 However task is never passed in. Its none. 但是,任务永远不会传递。

class TodoList(Resource):
    def __init__(self):
        self.reqparse = reqparse.RequestParser()
        self.reqparse.add_argument('task', type = str)
        super(TodoList, self).__init__()

    def post(self):
        args = self.reqparse.parse_args()
        #args['task'] is None, but why?
        return TODOS[args['task']], 201

Unit test: 单元测试:

def test_task(self):
        rv = self.app.post('todos', data='task=test')
        resp = json.loads(rv.data)
        eq_(rv.status_code, 201)

What am I missing please? 我想念什么?

When you use 'task=test' test_client do not set application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type, because you put string to input stream. 当您使用'task=test' test_client请勿设置application/x-www-form-urlencoded内容类型,因为您将字符串放入输入流中。 So flask can't detect form and read data from form and reqparse will return None for any values for this case. 因此,flask无法检测到表单并从表单读取数据,因此reqparse对于这种情况下的任何值都将返回None

To fix it you must set up content type or use dict {'task': 'test'} or tuple. 要修复它,您必须设置内容类型或使用dict {'task': 'test'}或元组。

Also for request testing better to use client = self.app.test_client() instead app = self.app.test_client() , if you use FlaskTesting.TestCase class, then just call self.client.post . 为了更好地进行请求测试,也可以使用client = self.app.test_client()代替app = self.app.test_client() ,如果使用FlaskTesting.TestCase类,则只需调用self.client.post

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