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如何修复找不到sdist pip - * .tar.gz

[英]How to fix cannot find sdist pip-*.tar.gz

I was looking for some answer for this problem so I could not find anyone. 我正在寻找这个问题的答案,所以我找不到任何人。 But in this images you can see my problem... 但是在这张图片中你可以看到我的问题......

Cannot find sdist pip-*.tar.gz

But I followed the installation guide for Windows of course and I have the same problem... 但我当然遵循了Windows的安装指南 ,我遇到了同样的问题......

So...could you help me? 那么......你能帮助我吗?

This here is a img: http://postimg.org/image/6fu9u3n37/ 这是一个img: http//postimg.org/image/6fu9u3n37/


pip install --upgrade virtualenv    

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