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可视化 - Tableau

[英]Visualization - Tableau

I`m new to tableau, I have the following visualization, this is the link: 我是画面新手,我有以下可视化,这是链接:

My visualization 我的可视化

My problem is that I don't know how to add more than one dashboard as tabs in just one dashboard. 我的问题是我不知道如何在一个仪表板中添加多个仪表板作为选项卡。 In my visualization, there are three dashboards "Nota total", "Todos los cursos", and "Cursos por ciclo", the other tabs are just sheets. 在我的可视化中,有三个仪表板“Nota total”,“Todos los cursos”和“Cursos por ciclo”,其他标签只是表格。 Therefore, How can I present my visualization with just the three dashboards which I mentioned. 因此,如何仅使用我提到的三个仪表板来呈现我的可视化。

If you right click a tab you should have the option to "hide sheet", in tableau reader that will prevent the sheet from getting shown when the file is opened. 如果右键单击选项卡,则应该在tableau阅读器中选择“隐藏工作表”,以防止在打开文件时显示工作表。 I imagine that it works the same for tableau public. 我想它对于画面公众来说是一样的。

You can read more about hiding sheets here: 您可以在此处详细了解隐藏工作表:

http://onlinehelp.tableausoftware.com/v6.1/public/online/en-us/id10AOA000TXW.html http://onlinehelp.tableausoftware.com/v6.1/public/online/en-us/id10AOA000TXW.html

When you publish your workbook, you are prompted about which worksheets to include. 发布工作簿时,系统会提示您包含哪些工作表。 There is a list of the worksheets (tabs) on the right side, with checkboxes beside each one. 右侧有一个工作表(选项卡)列表,每个工作表旁边都有复选框。 Only check the worksheets and dashboards you wish to be visible. 只检查您希望可见的工作表和仪表板。

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