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[英]2D Movement simulation in R

I need to make a simulation for this problem: 我需要对这个问题进行模拟:

Two robots A and B are placed in 2D coordinate plane, A is placed on coordinates (0,0) and B is placed on (10,0). 两个机器人A和B放置在2D坐标平面中,A放置在坐标(0,0)上,B放置在(10,0)上。 They can make step up, down, left or right with same probability. 他们可以以相同的概率向上,向下,向左或向右步进。 They start moving at the same time and I need to find after how many steps they will meet. 他们同时开始行动,我需要找到他们会遇到多少步骤。 If they make more than 15000 step it is considered that they are lost and will never meet. 如果它们超过15000步,则认为它们已经丢失并且永远不会满足。 Robots have met if they are in the same square with side 1(Example coordinates (0,0)-(1,0); (0,0)-(0,0); (0,0)-(1,1)) 如果机器人与第1侧在同一个方格中(例如坐标(0,0) - (1,0);(0,0) - (0,0);(0,0) - (1,1) ))

Now i need to make both graphical simulation and count steps until they meet in R statistical software. 现在我需要进行图形模拟和计数步骤,直到它们在R统计软件中相遇。 I have some idea how to count steps, but I'm really stuck with the graphical simulation. 我知道如何计算步数,但我真的很难接受图形模拟。

Maybe something like this helps? 也许这样的事情有帮助吗? :

#basic plot
plot(NULL, ann = F, xlim = c(-10,20), ylim = c(-10,20))
abline(h = -10:20, col = grey(0.75), lty = 2)
abline(v = -10:20, col = grey(0.75), lty = 2)

#starting coordinates
A_coords = c(0,0)
B_coords = c(10,0)
text(A_coords[1], A_coords[2], "A", col = "red")
text(B_coords[1], B_coords[2], "B", col = "blue")

for(i in 1:15000)

  text(A_coords[1], A_coords[2], "A", col = "white")
  text(B_coords[1], B_coords[2], "B", col = "white")
                                                       #used jonas's idea
  A <- A_coords + unlist(sample(list(c(0, 1), c(1, 0), c(-1, 0), c(0, -1)), 1)) 
  B <- B_coords + unlist(sample(list(c(0, 1), c(1, 0), c(-1, 0), c(0, -1)), 1))

  lines(c(A_coords[1], A[1]), c(A_coords[2], A[2]), col = "red")
  lines(c(B_coords[1], B[1]), c(B_coords[2], B[2]), col = "blue")

  A_coords <- A
  B_coords <- B

  text(A_coords[1], A_coords[2], "A", col = "red")
  text(B_coords[1], B_coords[2], "B", col = "blue")

  if(all(abs(A_coords - B_coords) <= 1)) break

list(steps = i, A_coordinates = A_coords, B_coordinates = B_coords)

I'd try something like that: 我会尝试这样的事情:

plot_robots <- function(rob1, rob2){
  plot(1, xlim = c(-20, 20), ylim =c(-20, 20), type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
  abline(h =-20:20, v = -20:20)
  points(c(rob1[1], rob2[1]), c(rob2[2], rob2[2]), pch = 21, cex = 2, bg = c("red", "blue"))

rob1 <- c(0, 0)
rob2 <- c(10, 0)

plot_robots(rob1, rob2)

for(i in 1:15000){
 rob1 <- rob1 + sample(list(c(0, 1), c(1, 0), c(-1, 0), c(0, -1)), 1)[[1]]
 rob2 <- rob2 + sample(list(c(0, 1), c(1, 0), c(-1, 0), c(0, -1)), 1)[[1]]
 plot_robots(rob1, rob2)

It is not perfect but should give an idea... I don't think anybody has got the time to watch the robots until they meet. 它不完美,但应该提出一个想法...我认为没有人有时间观看机器人,直到他们见面。 It will take ages... 这需要很长时间......

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