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经过身份验证的推送通知,无需将应用程序发布到Windows Phone应用商店

[英]Authenticated push notifications without publishing the App to the Windows Phone Store

We are currently developing a Windows Phone 8 application that won't be published to the Windows Phone Store but will be distributed through our Company Portal ( Windows Intune Direct Management ). 我们目前正在开发一个Windows Phone 8应用程序,该应用程序不会发布到Windows Phone应用商店,但将通过我们的公司门户Windows Intune Direct Management )进行分发。

Our team would like to add Push Notifications using MPNS (Microsoft Push Notification Service) but we are aware that, without submitting the app to the Windows Phone Store , we would be forced to use unauthenticated push notifications that are throttled to something like 500 notifications\\day per subscription. 我们的团队希望使用MPNS (Microsoft推送通知服务)添加推送通知,但我们知道,如果不将应用程序提交到Windows Phone应用商店 ,我们将被迫使用未经身份验证的推送通知,这些通知会限制为500通知等每次订阅的一天。

We are evaluating to try a service like Azure Notification hub but It's hard to find some clear documentation about how to set up authenticated push notifications with Notification Hub and even more important, if Notification Hub has the same policy that force to submit the mobile application to the Store. 我们正在评估尝试Azure Notification中心等服务但很难找到一些关于如何使用Notification Hub设置经过身份验证的推送通知的明确文档,更重要的是,如果Notification Hub具有强制提交移动应用程序的相同策略商店。

So, the questions are: 所以,问题是:

  1. In order to use unthrottled authenticated push notifications, do you know if Notification Hub requires the app submission to the Windows Phone Store? 为了使用无节制的经过身份验证的推送通知,您知道Notification Hub是否要求将应用提交到Windows Phone应用商店?
  2. Do you know any other valid way to get no-quota push notifications? 您是否知道获得无配额推送通知的任何其他有效方法?

Microsoft has finally updated its term of service enabling no-quota (unthrottled) notifications for company apps on Windows Phone. Microsoft最终更新了其服务条款,为Windows Phone上的公司应用程序启用了无配额(无节制)通知。

  1. Create a Windows Phone Store developer account if you do not have one. 如果您没有,请创建Windows Phone Store开发人员帐户。 Even though you won't be submitting apps to the store, you will need to use the Windows Phone Store to manage your certificate. 即使您不会向商店提交应用程序,您也需要使用Windows Phone应用商店来管理您的证书。

  2. Prepare your push service to use the authenticated endpoint as documented here. 准备推送服务以使用此处记录的经过身份验证的端点。 Also, retrieve your certificate and set up its service as outlined here. 此外,检索您的证书并按照此处所述设置其服务。

When you have completed the steps above, do not link it to any app. 完成上述步骤后,请勿将其链接到任何应用。

Official link: 官方链接:
blogs.windows.com/windows_phone/b/wpdev/archive/2013/12/10/enabling-no-quota-push-notifications-for-company-apps-on-windows-phone.aspx blogs.windows.com/windows_phone/b/wpdev/archive/2013/12/10/enabling-no-quota-push-notifications-for-company-apps-on-windows-phone.aspx

I do not pretend to be completely correct, but this is what I can say after deep diving into Notification Hub stuff: 我并没有假装完全正确,但在深入了解Notification Hub之后,我可以说这是:

  1. MPNS uses either http or https (for authenticated notifications) protocol to deliver data to its clients. MPNS使用http或https(用于经过身份验证的通知)协议将数据传递到其客户端。 Its internal structure can be roughly described as sending a specific xml (or json) to a previously set URI. 其内部结构可粗略地描述为将特定的xml(或json)发送到先前设置的URI。 It has no access to MS marketplace and cant do any app checks. 它无法访问MS市场,也无法进行任何应用程序检查。 So it seems you can push to any uri you want (I didn`t try that). 因此,你似乎可以推动任何你想要的uri(我没有尝试过)。 Notification Hub is a WRAPPER over mpns, wns, apns, gcm, optimized for large arrays of notifications. Notification Hub是一个超过mpns,wns,apns,gcm的WRAPPER,针对大型通知数组进行了优化。
  2. Notification Hub has the ability to set the mpns certificate inside the configuration tab, and I think that doesnt mean you`re forced to have an app in a public store with the same certificate. 通知中心能够在配置选项卡中设置mpns证书,我认为这并不意味着您被迫在具有相同证书的公共商店中拥有应用程序。

Hope this helps, Best regards, Alex 希望这有帮助,最好的问候,亚历克斯

I believe that Notifications Hub will use either unauthenticated push notifications (same restrictions apply) or require the certificate to use authenticated push notifications, which requires registration in the store. 我相信Notifications Hub将使用未经身份验证的推送通知(适用相同的限制)或要求证书使用经过身份验证的推送通知,这需要在商店中进行注册。

I'm not aware of a way around this at the moment. 我现在还没有意识到这一点。

I found a page from MSDN 我从MSDN找到了一个页面

It looks like kinda out of date ( Windows Phone Marketplace was the name in WP7 days). 它看起来有点过时( Windows Phone Marketplace是WP7时代的名字)。

But the 500 limitation isn't changed, and like Alex Yurov said, Azure Notification Hub is just wrapper over MNPS, so this should apply. 但500限制没有改变,像Alex Yurov所说,Azure Notification Hub只是MNPS的包装,所以这应该适用。

So basically your need to re to register a certificate. 所以基本上你需要重新注册证书。 Your cloud service will use this certificate to talk to the MNPS/Notification Hub, then it's unthrottled. 您的云服务将使用此证书与MNPS / Notification Hub通信,然后它不受限制。

Unauthenticated and Authenticated Mode 未经身份验证和验证的模式

Push notifications can operate in unauthenticated or authenticated mode. 推送通知可以在未经身份验证或验证的模式下运行。 In unauthenticated mode, the number and frequency of notifications allowed through the Microsoft Push Notification Service is throttled (unauthenticated push notifications are currently limited to 500 per day, per channel). 在未经身份验证的模式下,通过Microsoft推送通知服务允许的通知的数量和频率受到限制(未经身份验证的推送通知目前限制为每个通道每天500个)。

For push notifications in authenticated mode, developers first must register a certificate with the Push Notification Service through Windows Phone Marketplace. 对于经过身份验证模式的推送通知,开发人员首先必须通过Windows Phone Marketplace向推送通知服务注册证书。 The certificate must be issued by a Microsoft-trusted root certificate authority. 证书必须由Microsoft信任的根证书颁发机构颁发。 This certificate then is used to establish a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection between the web service and the Push Notification Service. 然后,此证书用于在Web服务和推送通知服务之间建立安全套接字层(SSL)连接。 Authenticated push notifications are not throttled. 经过身份验证的推送通知不会受到限制。


This is the corresponding tutorial but NEW version. 这是相应的教程,但是新版本。 No-quota push notifications using a root Certificate Authority 使用根证书颁发机构的无配额推送通知

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