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[英]Tic Tac Toe game won't work

So I learnt programming about a week ago. 因此,大约一周前我学习了编程。 I decided to make a tic tac toe game as a hobby project, I got a rudimentary game input method up and running but one aspect doesn't work. 我决定制作一个井字游戏作为一项业余爱好项目,我启动并运行了基本的游戏输入法,但其中一个方面不起作用。 I made a very simplified piece of code to verify if somebody has won once 5 moves have been played. 我编写了一段非常简单的代码,以验证有人打5步棋是否赢了。 Once somebody wins, it's supposed to display "Game Over!" 一旦有人获胜,就应该显示“ Game Over!”。 but it doesn't for some reason. 但这不是出于某种原因。 Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗? _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___ Note: The method to verify if somebody has won yet isn't complete in the code. _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___ 注意:代码中验证人是否成功的方法还不完整。 It is only for rows because when I tested it, it didn't work. 它仅用于行,因为当我对其进行测试时,它不起作用。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;
int main()
    char grid[3][3];
    int p;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> p;
    int o;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> o;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    int q;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> q;
    int r;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> r;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    int s;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> s;
    int t;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> t;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            grid[t][s] = 'X';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    int v;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> v;
    int b;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> b;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            grid[t][s] = 'X';
            grid[b][v] = 'O';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    int f;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> f;
    int g;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> g;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            grid[t][s] = 'X';
            grid[b][v] = 'O';
            grid[g][f] = 'X';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    if (grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2] || grid[1][0] == grid[1][1] == grid[1][2] || grid[2][0] == grid[2][1] == grid[2][2])
        cout << "Game Over! \n\n";
    int i;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> i;
    int u;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> u;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            grid[t][s] = 'X';
            grid[b][v] = 'O';
            grid[g][f] = 'X';
            grid[u][i] = 'O';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    if (grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2] || grid[1][0] == grid[1][1] == grid[1][2] || grid[2][0] == grid[2][1] == grid[2][2])
        cout << "Game Over! \n\n";
    int a1;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> a1;
    int e1;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> e1;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            grid[t][s] = 'X';
            grid[b][v] = 'O';
            grid[g][f] = 'X';
            grid[u][i] = 'O';
            grid[e1][a1] = 'X';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    if (grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2] || grid[1][0] == grid[1][1] == grid[1][2] || grid[2][0] == grid[2][1] == grid[2][2])
        cout << "Game Over! \n\n";
    int a8;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> a8;
    int b8;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> b8;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            grid[t][s] = 'X';
            grid[b][v] = 'O';
            grid[g][f] = 'X';
            grid[u][i] = 'O';
            grid[e1][a1] = 'X';
            grid[b8][a8] = 'O';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    if (grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2] || grid[1][0] == grid[1][1] == grid[1][2] || grid[2][0] == grid[2][1] == grid[2][2])
        cout << "Game Over! \n\n";
    int a9;
    cout << "Enter column number. \n";
    cin >> a9;
    int b9;
    cout << "Enter row number. \n";
    cin >> b9;
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            grid[x][y] = '-';
            grid[o][p] = 'X';
            grid[r][q] = 'O';
            grid[t][s] = 'X';
            grid[b][v] = 'O';
            grid[g][f] = 'X';
            grid[u][i] = 'O';
            grid[e1][a1] = 'X';
            grid[b8][a8] = 'O';
            grid[b9][a9] = 'X';
            cout << grid[x][y] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    if (grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2] || grid[1][0] == grid[1][1] == grid[1][2] || grid[2][0] == grid[2][1] == grid[2][2])
        cout << "Game Over! \n\n";

In C++, the == sign doesn't work the way it does in algebra class. 在C ++中, ==符号不能像代数类那样工作。 The expression a == b == c has a very different meaning in C++. 在C ++中,表达式a == b == c具有非常不同的含义。 In C++, it only works on pairs of items, and returns a true or false value. 在C ++中,它仅适用于成对的项,并返回truefalse值。 (See more below.) (请参阅下文。)

To see if 3 things all equal each other, you need to say (a == b && b == c) . 要查看3个事物是否彼此相等,您需要说(a == b && b == c) Your grid check would need to look like this: 您的网格检查将需要如下所示:

if ( (grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] && grid[0][1] == grid[0][2]) || 
     (grid[1][0] == grid[1][1] && grid[1][1] == grid[1][2]) ||
     (grid[2][0] == grid[2][1] && grid[2][1] == grid[2][2]) )

You'll also notice I put extra parentheses in there. 您还会注意到我在其中加了多余的括号。 They are not strictly necessary, but some compilers warn when you mix && and || 它们不是严格必需的,但是某些编译器会在混合&&||时发出警告。 in the same expression. 在相同的表达中。 The parentheses make it clear which items you intend to group together and will quell those warnings. 括号使您可以将要分组的项目明确,并将平息这些警告。

So what was the C++ compiler doing with your code? 那么,什么 C ++编译器与您的代码在做什么? You had written grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2] . 您已经编写了grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2] The compiler interprets that as (grid[0][0] == grid[0][1]) == grid[0][2] according to its operator precedence rules. 编译器根据其运算符优先级规则解释为(grid[0][0] == grid[0][1]) == grid[0][2]

The compiler will first compare grid[0][0] to grid[0][1] . 编译器将首先比较grid[0][0]grid[0][1] This will produce a true or false boolean value (C++ bool ) depending on whether they were equal. 根据它们是否相等,这将产生一个truefalse布尔值(C ++ bool )。 So far, so good. 到现在为止还挺好。

After the comparison, it will compare that bool result against grid[0][2] . 比较之后,它将bool结果与grid[0][2] Since grid[0][2] is a char , it promotes the bool to a numeric value. 由于grid[0][2]是一个char ,它将bool值提升为数值。 true becomes 1 and false becomes 0. None of your grid values have the value 0 or 1—they are all either '-' , 'X' or 'O' —so the second comparison always fails. true变为1, false变为0。所有网格值都不具有值0或1-它们全都是'-''X''O' ,因此第二次比较总是失败。

The same situation repeats for all three rows. 对于所有三行重复相同的情况。

For my understanding you cannot write: 据我了解,您不能写:

grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] == grid[0][2]

You should have: 你应该有:

grid[0][0] == grid[0][1] && grid[0][1]== grid[0][2]

In C++ these are binary operators, and thus == can only be applied to two variables, not chained to three. 在C ++中,它们是二进制运算符,因此==只能应用于两个变量,不能链接到三个变量。 Now it compares first result (true/false) to the third number. 现在,它将第一个结果(是/否)与第三个数字进行比较。

My sources: 我的资料来源:

C++ Tic Tac Toe Game C ++井字游戏

Your program would be a lot smaller if you used one array and number the boxes 1 through 9: 如果您使用一个数组并将框1到9编号,则程序将小很多:

| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |

The array would like this: 该数组将如下所示:

const unsigned int BOARD_CAPACITY = 9;
unsigned int board[BOARD_CAPACITY + 1];

The board array is declared with one extra slot so you can safely use indices 1 through 9. board数组声明有一个额外的插槽,因此您可以安全地使用索引1到9。

A single row check: 单行检查:

bool row_wins = false;
if ((board[1] == board[2]) && (board[2] == board[3]))
  row_wins = true;

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