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[英]Apply function to sets of columns in pandas, 'looping' over entire data frame column-wise

Here is a test example to show what I am trying to achieve. 这是一个测试示例,以显示我想要实现的目标。 Here's a toy data frame: 这是一个玩具数据框:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,7),index=range(1,11),columns=headers)

Which gives 这使

    Time       A_x       A_y       A_z       B_x       B_y       B_z
1  -0.075509 -0.123527 -0.547239 -0.453707 -0.969796  0.248761  1.369613
2  -0.206369 -0.112098 -1.122609  0.218538 -0.878985  0.566872 -1.048862
3  -0.194552  0.818276 -1.563931  0.097377  1.641384 -0.766217 -1.482096
4   0.502731  0.766515 -0.650482 -0.087203 -0.089075  0.443969  0.354747
5   1.411380 -2.419204 -0.882383  0.005204 -0.204358 -0.999242 -0.395236
6   1.036695  1.115630  0.081825 -1.038442  0.515798 -0.060016  2.669702
7   0.392943  0.226386  0.039879  0.732611 -0.073447  1.164285  1.034357
8  -1.253264  0.389148  0.158289  0.440282 -1.195860  0.872064  0.906377
9  -0.133580 -0.308314 -0.839347 -0.517989  0.652120  0.477232 -0.391767
10  0.623841  0.473552  0.059428  0.726088 -0.593291 -3.186297 -0.846863

What I want to do is simply to calculate the length of the vector for each header (A and B) in this case, for each index, and divide by the Time column. 我想要做的只是在这种情况下,为每个索引计算每个标题(A和B)的向量长度,并除以Time列。 Hence, this function needs to be np.sqrt(A_x^2 + A_y^2 + A_z^2) and the same for B of course. 因此,该函数需要是np.sqrt(A_x^2 + A_y^2 + A_z^2) ,当然对于B也是如此。 Ie I am looking to calculate the velocity for each row, but three columns contribute to one velocity result. 即我想要计算每一行的速度,但三列有助于一个速度结果。

I have tried using df.groupby and df.filter to loop-over the columns but I cannot really get it to work, because I am not at all sure how I apply effectively the same function to chunks of the data-frame, all in one go (as apparently one is to avoid looping over rows). 我已经尝试使用df.groupbydf.filter来循环遍历列,但我无法让它工作,因为我完全不确定如何将相同的函数有效地应用于数据框的块,所有这些都在一个去(显然一个是避免在行上循环)。 I have tried doing 我试过了

df = df.apply(lambda x: np.sqrt(x.dot(x)), axis=1)

This works of course, but only if the input data frame has the right number of columns (3), if longer then the dot-product is calculated over the entire row, and not in chunks of three columns which is what I want (because this is turns corresponds to the tag coordinates, which are three dimensional). 这当然有效,但是只有当输入数据框具有正确的列数(3)时,如果更长,那么在整个行上计算点积,而不是在我想要的三列的块中(因为这是转弯对应于标签坐标,这是三维的)。

So this is what I am eventually trying to get with the above example (the below arrays are just filled with random numbers, not the actual velocities which I am trying to calculate - just to show what sort of shape I trying to achieve): 所以这就是我最终试图用上面的例子得到的(下面的数组只是填充了随机数,而不是我想要计算的实际速度 - 只是为了显示我想要实现的形状):

     Velocity_A  Velocity_B
1    -0.975633   -2.669544
2     0.766405   -0.264904
3     0.425481   -0.429894
4    -0.437316    0.954006
5     1.073352   -1.475964
6    -0.647534    0.937035
7     0.082517    0.438112
8    -0.387111   -1.417930
9    -0.111011    1.068530
10    0.451979   -0.053333

My actual data is 50,000 x 36 (so there are 12 tags with x,y,z coordinates), and I want to calculate the velocity all in one go to avoid iterating (if at all possible). 我的实际数据是50,000 x 36(因此有12个带有x,y,z坐标的标签),我想一次性计算速度以避免迭代(如果可能的话)。 There is also a time column of the same length (50,000x1). 还有一个相同长度的时间列(50,000x1)。

How do you do this? 你怎么做到这一点?

Thanks, Astrid 谢谢,阿斯特丽德

A possible start. 一个可能的开始。

Filtering out column names corresponding to a particular vector. 过滤掉与特定向量对应的列名。 For example 例如

In [20]: filter(lambda x: x.startswith("A_"),df.columns)
Out[20]: ['A_x', 'A_y', 'A_z']

Sub selecting these columns from the DataFrame 从DataFrame中选择这些列

In [22]: df[filter(lambda x: x.startswith("A_"),df.columns)]
         A_x       A_y       A_z
1  -0.123527 -0.547239 -0.453707
2  -0.112098 -1.122609  0.218538
3   0.818276 -1.563931  0.097377
4   0.766515 -0.650482 -0.087203
5  -2.419204 -0.882383  0.005204
6   1.115630  0.081825 -1.038442
7   0.226386  0.039879  0.732611
8   0.389148  0.158289  0.440282
9  -0.308314 -0.839347 -0.517989
10  0.473552  0.059428  0.726088

So, using this technique you can get chunks of 3 columns. 因此,使用此技术,您可以获得3列的块。 For example. 例如。

column_initials = ["A","B"]
for column_initial in column_initials:
    df["Velocity_"+column_initial]=df[filter(lambda x: x.startswith(column_initial+"_"),df.columns)].apply(lambda x: np.sqrt(x.dot(x)), axis=1)/df.Time

In [32]: df[['Velocity_A','Velocity_B']]
    Velocity_A  Velocity_B
1    -9.555311  -22.467965
2    -5.568487   -7.177625
3    -9.086257  -12.030091
4     2.007230    1.144208
5     1.824531    0.775006
6     1.472305    2.623467
7     1.954044    3.967796
8    -0.485576   -1.384815
9    -7.736036   -6.722931
10    1.392823    5.369757

I do not get the same answer as yours. 我没有得到与你相同的答案。 But, I borrowed your df.apply(lambda x: np.sqrt(x.dot(x)), axis=1) and assume it is correct. 但是,我借用你的df.apply(lambda x: np.sqrt(x.dot(x)), axis=1)并假设它是正确的。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

Your calculation is more NumPy-ish than Panda-ish, by which I mean the calculation can be expressed somewhat succinctly if you regard your DataFrame as merely a big array, whereas the solution (at least the one I came up with) is more complicated when you try to wrangle the DataFrame with melt, groupby, etc. 你的计算比Panda-ish更多NumPy-ish,我的意思是如果你认为你的DataFrame只是一个大数组,计算可以用一些简洁的方式表达,而解决方案(至少我提出的那个)更复杂当你尝试使用melt,groupby等来争论DataFrame时

The entire calculation can be expressed in essentially one line: 整个计算可以基本上用一行表示:


So here is the NumPy way: 所以这是NumPy方式:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import io
content = '''
Time       A_x       A_y       A_z       B_x       B_y       B_z
-0.075509 -0.123527 -0.547239 -0.453707 -0.969796  0.248761  1.369613
-0.206369 -0.112098 -1.122609  0.218538 -0.878985  0.566872 -1.048862
-0.194552  0.818276 -1.563931  0.097377  1.641384 -0.766217 -1.482096
 0.502731  0.766515 -0.650482 -0.087203 -0.089075  0.443969  0.354747
 1.411380 -2.419204 -0.882383  0.005204 -0.204358 -0.999242 -0.395236
 1.036695  1.115630  0.081825 -1.038442  0.515798 -0.060016  2.669702
 0.392943  0.226386  0.039879  0.732611 -0.073447  1.164285  1.034357
-1.253264  0.389148  0.158289  0.440282 -1.195860  0.872064  0.906377
-0.133580 -0.308314 -0.839347 -0.517989  0.652120  0.477232 -0.391767
 0.623841  0.473552  0.059428  0.726088 -0.593291 -3.186297 -0.846863'''

df = pd.read_table(io.BytesIO(content), sep='\s+', header=True)

arr = df.values
times = arr[:,0]
arr = arr[:,1:]
result = np.sqrt((arr**2).reshape(arr.shape[0],-1,3).sum(axis=-1))/times[:,None]
result = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=['Velocity_%s'%(x,) for x in list('AB')])

which yields 产量

   Velocity_A  Velocity_B
0   -9.555311  -22.467965
1   -5.568487   -7.177625
2   -9.086257  -12.030091
3    2.007230    1.144208
4    1.824531    0.775006
5    1.472305    2.623467
6    1.954044    3.967796
7   -0.485576   -1.384815
8   -7.736036   -6.722931
9    1.392823    5.369757

Since your actual DataFrame has shape (50000, 36), choosing a quick method may be important. 由于您的实际DataFrame具有形状(50000,36),因此选择快速方法可能很重要。 Here is a benchmark: 这是一个基准:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string

N = 12
col_ids = string.letters[:N]
df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(50000, 3*N+1), 
    columns=['Time']+['{}_{}'.format(letter, coord) for letter in col_ids
                      for coord in list('xyz')])

def using_numpy(df):
    arr = df.values
    times = arr[:,0]
    arr = arr[:,1:]
    result = np.sqrt((arr**2).reshape(arr.shape[0],-1,3).sum(axis=-1))/times[:,None]
    result = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=['Velocity_%s'%(x,) for x in col_ids])
    return result

def using_loop(df):
    results = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index) # the result container
    for id in col_ids:
        results['Velocity_'+id] = np.sqrt((df.filter(regex=id+'_')**2).sum(axis=1))/df.Time
    return results

Using IPython : 使用IPython

In [43]: %timeit using_numpy(df)
10 loops, best of 3: 34.7 ms per loop

In [44]: %timeit using_loop(df)
10 loops, best of 3: 82 ms per loop

I would do at least a loop over the tag identifier, but don't worry, that's a very fast loop that just determines the filter pattern to get the right columns: 我至少会对标记标识符进行循环,但不要担心,这是一个非常快速的循环,只是确定过滤模式以获得正确的列:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,7), index=range(1,11), columns='Time A_x A_y A_z B_x B_y B_z'.split())

col_ids = ['A', 'B'] # I guess you can create that one easily

results = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index) # the result container

for id in col_ids:
    results['Velocity_'+id] = np.sqrt((df.filter(regex=id+'_')**2).sum(axis=1))/df.Time

One liner...split over many lines for readability: 一条班轮......分成许多行以便于阅读:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


df = pd.DataFrame(
        columns='Time A_x A_y A_z B_x B_y B_z'.split()

result = df\
    .loc[:, df.columns.values!='Time']\
    .groupby(lambda x: x[0])\
    .apply(lambda x: np.sqrt((x ** 2).sum()))\
    .apply(lambda x: x / df['Time'])

print result

            A          B
1    1.404626   1.310639
2   -2.954644 -10.874091
3    3.479836   6.105961
4    3.885530   2.244544
5    0.995012   1.434228
6   11.278208  11.454466
7   -1.209242  -1.281165
8   -5.175911  -5.905070
9   11.889318  16.758958
10  -0.978014  -0.590767

Note: I am a bit frustrated that I needed to thrown in the two transposes. 注意:我有点沮丧,我需要抛出两个转置。 I just couldn't get groupby and apply to play nicely with axis=1 . 我只是不能得到groupbyapplyaxis=1很好地玩。 If someone could show me how to do that, I'd be very grateful. 如果有人能告诉我如何做到这一点,我将非常感激。 The trick here was knowing that when you call groupby(lambda x: f(x)) that x is the value of the index for each row. 这里的技巧是知道当你调用groupby(lambda x: f(x)) x是每行索引的值。 So groupby(lambda x: x[0]) groups by the first letter of the row index. 因此groupby(lambda x: x[0])按行索引的第一个字母分组。 After doing the transposition, this was A or B . 换位后,这是AB

Ok, no more transposes: 好的,没有更多的转座:

result = df\
    .loc[:, df.columns!='Time']\
    .groupby(lambda x: x[0], axis=1)\
    .apply(lambda x: np.sqrt((x**2).sum(1)))\
    .apply(lambda x: x / df['Time'])

print result

            A          B
1    1.404626   1.310639
2   -2.954644 -10.874091
3    3.479836   6.105961
4    3.885530   2.244544
5    0.995012   1.434228
6   11.278208  11.454466
7   -1.209242  -1.281165
8   -5.175911  -5.905070
9   11.889318  16.758958
10  -0.978014  -0.590767

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