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为什么像(0 <a <5)这样的条件总是正确的?

[英]Why is a condition like (0 < a < 5) always true?

I implemented the following program in C 我在C中实现了以下程序

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() 
       int a  = 10 ; 
       if(0 < a < 5) 
          printf("The condition is true!") ; 
       return 0 ; 

Why does the condition 0<a<5 always return true ? 为什么条件0<a<5总是返回true

Unlike Python (which has operator chaining ), C evaluates the condition as: 与Python(具有运算符链接 )不同,C将条件评估为:

(0 < a) < 5

The result of (0 < a) is either 0 or 1, both of which are less than 5, so the overall condition is true. (0 < a)的结果是0或1,两者都小于5,因此整体条件为真。

In C, a range test must be written: 在C中,必须编写范围测试:

0 < a && a < 5

Note that the Python script: 请注意Python脚本:

for a in range(-1,7):
  if 0 < a < 5:
    print a, " in range"
    print a, " out of range"

produces the output: 产生输出:

-1  out of range
0  out of range
1  in range
2  in range
3  in range
4  in range
5  out of range
6  out of range

The 'equivalent' C program using the same if condition would, of course, produce the answer 'in range' for each value. 当然,使用相同if条件的“等效”C程序会为每个值产生“范围内”的答案。

Because 0 < a evaluates to 1 . 因为0 < a计算结果为1

Use: 采用:

a > 0 && a < 5

if you want to test if a is greater than 0 and lower than 5 . 如果你想测试a是否大于0且小于5

Since 0 is less than 10 , 0 < a would always evaluates to 1 , which is less than 5 , making 0 < a < 5 always true . 因为0小于100 < a总是计算结果为1 ,这是小于5 ,使得0 < a < 5总是true Change your condition to 把你的病情改为

if(0 < a && a < 5) {...}     

It actually is valid syntax, but it doesn't do what you want. 它实际上是有效的语法,但它没有做你想要的。

Realize that x<y returns a bool, ie true or false. 意识到x<y返回一个bool,即true或false。 You then compare it against whatever value "z" has. 然后将它与“z”的值进行比较。 So the intention of " x<y<z " looks wrong. 所以“ x<y<z ”的意图看起来不对。

It can be: 有可能:

if(x < y && y < z)

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