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为什么 if 条件总是为真?

[英]why the if condition is always true?

hi, i don't understand why this if condition don't need any "condition" and is always true.嗨,我不明白为什么这个 if 条件不需要任何“条件”并且总是正确的。

  #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    int main() {
        char text[] = "I learn C programming because it’s fun";
        char *ptr, c = 'u';
        ptr = strrchr(text, c);

        if (ptr)
            printf("The position of ’%c’ is: %d\n", c, ptr-text);

        printf("The character was not found\n");
        return 0;

why the if condition is always true?为什么 if 条件总是为真?

Because 'u' is in the string.因为'u'在字符串中。


ptr = strrchr(text, 'q');

and see what happens.看看会发生什么。

strrchr returns a pointer to the character searched for or NULL when the character isn't found. strrchr返回指向所搜索strrchr的指针,或者在找不到strrchr返回NULL

As for:至于:

... why this if condition don't need any "condition" ...为什么这个 if 条件不需要任何“条件”

In C anything that can be converted to an integer value can be used as a condition.在 C 中,任何可以转换为整数值的东西都可以用作条件。 Example:例子:

int x = 42;
if (x)
    // do something

Here x is a condition.这里x是一个条件。 It is the same as saying这和说的一样

int x = 42;
if (x != 0)
    // do something

Anything that isn't "zero" are considered TRUE in C.任何非“零”的东西在 C 中都被认为是 TRUE。

This goes for pointers as well:这也适用于指针:

int* p = NULL;
p = whatever...;
if (p)
    // do something isn't NULL
    // p is NULL so do something else

which can also be written as:也可以写成:

int* p = NULL;
p = whatever...;
if (p != NULL)   
    // do something isn't NULL
    // p is NULL so do something else

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