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[英]for loop condition always true

I have a For loop in C: 我在C中有一个For循环:

u8 i;
for (i=0; i <= 255; i++)

Now the compiler complains that "comparison is always true due to limited range of data type" I understand that 255 is u8 max but a for loop must have a condition. 现在编译器抱怨“由于数据类型的范围有限,比较总是正确的”我知道255是u8 max但是for循环必须有条件。 What should I put there then? 那我应该放在那里? Thanks. 谢谢。

uint8_t i=0;
do {

what is u8 ? 什么是u8 if it means 8-bit unsigned int, then 255+1 gives zero again, so the loop starts over again. 如果它意味着8位无符号整数,则255 + 1再次给出零,因此循环重新开始。 you should use larger integer type. 你应该使用更大的整数类型。 or use do-while as suggested in replies 或使用回复中建议的do-while

u8 i=0,iold;
u8 someFunction()
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        // do something with i here and /or break

    if (i == 256)
        // loop ran completely without a break

    return i; // will convert i to "u8" type (256 will become 0)

A for loop doesn't necessarily need a condition. for循环不一定需要条件。 If you want the loop to not have any condition at all, you can write: 如果您希望循环根本没有任何条件,您可以写:

for (i = 0; 1 ; i++)

or 要么

for (i = 0; ; i++)

But beware that i will overflow after reaching 255, and start over back from zero each time. 但要注意i会在达到255后溢出,并且每次从零开始重新开始。

If you don't want it to loop infinitely, then either place a break; 如果你不想让它无限循环,那么要么break; somewhere inside the loop, or use an appropriate condition inside the condition field of the for loop. 在循环内的某个地方,或在for循环的条件字段内使用适当的条件。

And to be honest, I am not sure why your compiler is even complaining about a condition being always true... 说实话,我不确定为什么你的编译器甚至抱怨条件总是如此......

What should I put there then? 那我应该放在那里?

Use a larger type like int type. 使用更大的类型,如int类型。

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