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[英]How to implement a filter like scipy.signal.lfilter

I made a prototype in python that I'm converting to an iOS app. 我在python中创建了一个原型,我正在转换为iOS应用程序。 Unfortunately, all the nice features of scipy and numpy are not available in objective-C. 不幸的是,scipy和numpy的所有优点都没有在objective-C中提供。 So, apparently I need to implement a filter in objective C from scratch. 所以,显然我需要从头开始在目标C中实现一个过滤器。 As a first step, I'm trying to implement an IIR from scratch in python. 作为第一步,我试图在python中从头开始实现IIR。 If i can understand how to do it in python, I'll be able to code it in C. 如果我能理解如何在python中完成它,我将能够用C编写代码。

As a side note, I'd appreciate any suggestions for resources on doing filtering in iOS. 作为旁注,我很感激有关在iOS中进行过滤的资源的任何建议。 As a newbie to objective C who is used to matlab and python, I'm shocked that things like Audio Toolboxes and Accelerate Frameworks and Amazing Audio Engines don't have an equivalent to scipy.signal.filtfilt, nor filter design functions like scipy.signal.butter etc. 作为习惯于习惯使用matlab和python的C的新手,我很震惊,像Audio Toolboxes和Accelerate Frameworks以及Amazing Audio Engines这样的东西没有scipy.signal.filtfilt,也不像scipy那样过滤设计函数。信号。等等

So, in the following code I implement the filter in five ways. 因此,在下面的代码中,我以五种方式实现了过滤器。 1) scipy.signal.lfilter (for comparison), 2) a state space form using A, B, C, D matrices as calculated by Matlab's butter function. 1)scipy.signal.lfilter(用于比较),2)使用由Matlab的黄油函数计算的A,B,C,D矩阵的状态空间形式。 3) a state space form using the A, B, C, D matrices as calculated by scipy.signal.tf2ss. 3)使用由scipy.signal.tf2ss计算的A,B,C,D矩阵的状态空间形式。 4) the Direct Form I, 5) the Direct Form II. 4)直接表格I,5)直接表格II。

As you can see, the state space form using Matlab matrices works well enough for me to use it in my app. 如您所见,使用Matlab矩阵的状态空间形式足以让我在我的应用程序中使用它。 However, I'm still seeking to understand why the others don't work so well. 但是,我仍然在寻求理解为什么其他人不能这么好地工作。

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal  import butter, lfilter, tf2ss

# building the test signal, a sum of two sines;
N = 32 
x = np.sin(np.arange(N)/6. * 2 * np.pi)+\
    np.sin(np.arange(N)/32. * 2 * np.pi)
x = np.append([0 for i in range(6)], x)

# getting filter coefficients from scipy 
b,a = butter(N=6, Wn=0.5)

# getting matrices for the state-space form of the filter from scipy.
A_spy, B_spy, C_spy, D_spy = tf2ss(b,a)

# matrices for the state-space form as generated by matlab (different to scipy's)
A_mlb = np.array([[-0.4913, -0.5087, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0.5087, 0.4913, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0.1490, 0.4368, -0.4142, -0.5858, 0, 0],
        [0.1490, 0.4368, 0.5858, 0.4142, 0, 0],
        [0.0592, 0.1735, 0.2327, 0.5617, -0.2056, -0.7944],
        [0.0592, 0.1735, 0.2327, 0.5617, 0.7944, 0.2056]])

B_mlb = np.array([0.7194, 0.7194, 0.2107, 0.2107, 0.0837, 0.0837])

C_mlb = np.array([0.0209, 0.0613, 0.0823, 0.1986, 0.2809, 0.4262])

D_mlb = 0.0296

# getting results of scipy lfilter to test my implementation against
y_lfilter = lfilter(b, a, x)

# initializing y_df1, the result of the Direct Form I method.
y_df1 = np.zeros(6) 

# initializing y_df2, the result of the Direct Form II method.
# g is an array also used in the calculation of Direct Form II
y_df2 = np.array([])
g = np.zeros(6)

# initializing z and y for the state space version with scipy matrices.
z_ss_spy = np.zeros(6)
y_ss_spy = np.array([])

# initializing z and y for the state space version with matlab matrices.
z_ss_mlb = np.zeros(6)
y_ss_mlb = np.array([])

# applying the IIR filter, in it's different implementations
for n in range(N):
    # The Direct Form I
    y_df1 = np.append(y_df1, y_df1[-6:].dot(a[:0:-1]) + x[n:n+7].dot(b[::-1]))

    # The Direct Form II
    g = np.append(g, x[n] + g[-6:].dot(a[:0:-1]))
    y_df2 = np.append(y_df2, g[-7:].dot(b[::-1]))

    # State space with scipy's matrices
    y_ss_spy = np.append(y_ss_spy, C_spy.dot(z_ss_spy) + D_spy * x[n+6])
    z_ss_spy = A_spy.dot(z_ss_spy) + B_spy * x[n+6]

    # State space with matlab's matrices
    y_ss_mlb = np.append(y_ss_mlb, C_mlb.dot(z_ss_mlb) + D_mlb * x[n+6])
    z_ss_mlb = A_mlb.dot(z_ss_mlb) + B_mlb * x[n+6]

# getting rid of the zero padding in the results
y_lfilter = y_lfilter[6:]
y_df1 = y_df1[6:]
y_df2 = y_df2[6:]

# printing the results 
print "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format('lfilter','matlab ss', 'scipy ss', 'Direct Form I', 'Direct Form II')
for n in range(N-6):
    print "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(y_lfilter[n], y_ss_mlb[n], y_ss_spy[n], y_df1[n], y_df2[n])

And the output: 并输出:

lfilter         matlab ss       scipy ss        Direct Form I   Direct Form II
0.0             0.0             0.0             0.0             0.0
0.0313965294015 0.0314090254837 0.0313965294015 0.0313965294015 0.0313965294015
0.225326252712  0.22531468279   0.0313965294015 0.225326252712  0.225326252712
0.684651781013  0.684650012268  0.0313965294015 0.733485689277  0.733485689277
1.10082931381   1.10080090424   0.0313965294015 1.45129994748   1.45129994748
0.891192957678  0.891058879496  0.0313965294015 2.00124367289   2.00124367289
0.140178897557  0.139981099035  0.0313965294015 2.17642377522   2.17642377522
-0.162384434762 -0.162488434882 0.225326252712  2.24911228252   2.24911228252
0.60258601688   0.602631573263  0.225326252712  2.69643931422   2.69643931422
1.72287292534   1.72291129518   0.225326252712  3.67851039998   3.67851039998
2.00953056605   2.00937857026   0.225326252712  4.8441925268    4.8441925268
1.20855478679   1.20823164284   0.225326252712  5.65255635018   5.65255635018
0.172378732435  0.172080718929  0.225326252712  5.88329450124   5.88329450124
-0.128647387408 -0.128763927074 0.684651781013  5.8276996139    5.8276996139
0.47311062085   0.473146568232  0.684651781013  5.97105082682   5.97105082682
1.25980235112   1.25982698592   0.684651781013  6.48492462347   6.48492462347
1.32273336715   1.32261397627   0.684651781013  7.03788646586   7.03788646586
0.428664985784  0.428426965442  0.684651781013  7.11454966484   7.11454966484
-0.724128943343 -0.724322419906 0.684651781013  6.52441390718   6.52441390718
-1.16886662032  -1.16886884238  1.10082931381   5.59188293911   5.59188293911
-0.639469994539 -0.639296371149 1.10082931381   4.83744942709   4.83744942709
0.153883055505  0.154067363252  1.10082931381   4.46863620556   4.46863620556
0.24752293493   0.247568224184  1.10082931381   4.18930262192   4.18930262192
-0.595875437915 -0.595952759718 1.10082931381   3.51735265599   3.51735265599
-1.64776590859  -1.64780228552  1.10082931381   2.29229811755   2.29229811755
-1.94352867959  -1.94338167159  0.891192957678  0.86412577159   0.86412577159

look at FIR wiki , and this formula: 看看FIR wiki ,这个公式:


so first you generate a hamming window yourself (i'm still using python but you can translate it to c/cpp): 所以首先你自己生成一个汉明窗口(我仍然使用python,但你可以将它转换为c / cpp):

def getHammingWin(n):
    ham=[0.54-0.46*np.cos(2*np.pi*i/(n-1)) for i in range(n)]
    return ham

then your own low pass filter: 然后你自己的低通滤波器:

def myLpf(data, hamming):

    for n, v in enumerate(data):
        for i in range(N):
            if n<i:
    return np.asanyarray(res)

So, I finally found the part of the accelerate framework I was looking for. 所以,我终于找到了我正在寻找的加速框架的一部分。

I was implementing the filter in the first place for downsampling; 我首先实现了过滤器以进行下采样; you need to filter before downsampling to avoid aliasing. 您需要在下采样之前进行过滤以避免混叠。 Accelerate's vDSP_zrdesamp is the function I wanted all along. Accelerate的vDSP_zrdesamp是我一直想要的功能。

Furthermore, for filtering alone, the ipodEQ audio unit is usually the right choice: (subtype kAudioUnitSubType_AUiPodEQ ) 此外,单独进行过滤, ipodEQ音频单元通常是正确的选择:(子类型kAudioUnitSubType_AUiPodEQ

If you actually need to implement an filter by scratch, the state-space form seems the best. 如果您确实需要通过临时实现过滤器,那么状态空间形式似乎是最好的。

Still unanswered: why don't my direct form I and II implementations work as intended? 仍然没有答案:为什么我的直接形式I和II实现不能按预期工作?

Why don't my direct form I and II implementations work as intended? 为什么我的直接形式I和II实现不能按预期工作?

Maybe the error you have in the Direct Form I and Direct Form II is due to numerical precision issues. 也许您在直接表格I直接表格II中出现的错误是由于数值精度问题。 The following code implements a filter in the Direct Transpose Form II , witch is more numerically stable (I read this in some place I can't remember): 下面的代码在Direct Transpose Form II中实现了一个过滤器,它在数值上更稳定(我在某些地方读到这个我记不住了):

d = [0]*4
filtered = [0]

for x in df['dado_sem_spike'].values:

    y    = ((b[0] * x)              + d[3]) / a[0]
    d[3] =  (b[1] * x) - (a[1] * y) + d[2]
    d[2] =  (b[2] * x) - (a[2] * y) + d[1]
    d[1] =  (b[3] * x) - (a[3] * y) + d[0]
    d[0] =  (b[4] * x) - (a[4] * y)

I implemented this form because the Direct Form I weren't giving good results. 我实施了这个表格,因为直接表格I没有给出好的结果。


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