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[英]Chart returns different results depending on size of range

I try to make program in macro-excel that show chart of dec 2012- curent month data. 我尝试在macro-excel中制作程序,以显示2012年12月至今的月度数据图表。

I want X-axis is the month, but only in january, the axis n the legend switched. 我希望X轴是月份,但仅在1月份,图例的轴已切换。

My code: 我的代码:

Public Sub pi()

    Dim bulan1
    Dim bulan2
    Dim kpi As Worksheet
    Dim data As Worksheet
    Dim a As Integer
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim xaxis As Axis

    Set kpi = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("KPI chart")
    Set data = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("data")

    bulan1 = Month(Now)

    For a = 2 To 14
        bulan2 = Month(Cells(54, a).Value)

        If bulan2 = bulan1 Then 

        End If

    kpi.ChartObjects("Chart 16").Activate
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range(data.Cells(54, 1), data.Cells(57, a))

End Sub

Picture : http://melegenda.tumblr.com/image/72825632452 图片: http : //melegenda.tumblr.com/image/72825632452

I think I missed something? 我想我错过了什么? (I use excel 2007) (我使用Excel 2007)

I don't know what is this, but it works. 我不知道这是什么,但是可以。 ahhaha just add ActiveChart.PlotBy = xlRows before end sub ahhaha只需在end sub之前添加ActiveChart.PlotBy = xlRows

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