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[英]How to calculate direction vector from yaw angle?

I have an issue on where I do not know how to proceed on calculating a direction vector using Java/LWJGL to renderin OpenGL. 我有一个问题,我不知道如何继续使用Java / LWJGL计算方向向量来渲染OpenGL。

I have the following system: 我有以下系统:

  • +X goes to the right of the screen + X出现在屏幕右侧
  • +Z goes into my screen + Z进入我的屏幕
  • +Y goes to the top of the screen (altitude) + Y到屏幕顶部(海拔高度)

Therefore I am walking on the XZ plane, now I want to implement/have implemented WASD movement, and it should be related to the current direction I am going. 因此,我正在XZ飞机上行走,现在我想实施/实施WASD运动,它应该与我目前的方向有关。 (W = forward to camera look direction, S = backward, etc.) (W =前进到摄像机视线方向,S =后退等)

I have a yaw angle that is defined as follows: 我的偏航角定义如下:

  • 0 degrees if going straight forward 如果直接向前0度
  • 90 degrees if going to the right 如果向右走90度
  • 180 degrees if turning back 转回180度
  • 270 degrees if going to the left 如果向左转270度

Now I simply want a 3D vector representing the direction of the yaw , how would I do that? 现在我只想要一个代表偏航方向的3D矢量,我该怎么做?

I am using the following Java code, with the answer included, however it seems there is another bug: 我使用以下Java代码,包括答案,但似乎还有另一个错误:

protected void mouseMoved(final int dx, final int dy) {
    float yawDelta = dx / 10f;
    float pitchDelta = dy / 10f;
    yaw += yawDelta;
    pitch += pitchDelta;
    System.out.println("yaw = " + yaw);
    direction.updateZero().updateTranslate((float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw)), 0f, (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw))).updateNormalized();
    System.out.println("direction = " + direction);


private void checkKeys() {
    if (isKeyCurrentlyDown(Keyboard.KEY_W)) {
    if (isKeyCurrentlyDown(Keyboard.KEY_S)) {
    if (isKeyCurrentlyDown(Keyboard.KEY_A)) {
    if (isKeyCurrentlyDown(Keyboard.KEY_D)) {
    if (isKeyCurrentlyDown(Keyboard.KEY_Q)) {
        eye.updateTranslate(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
    if (isKeyCurrentlyDown(Keyboard.KEY_Z)) {
        eye.updateTranslate(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);


private void updateView() {
    viewMatrix.identity().fpsView(eye, roll, yaw, pitch);
    Uniforms.setUniformMatrix4(UNIFORM_VIEW_MATRIX, false, viewMatrix);

and subsequently 然后

public Matrix4f fpsView(final Vector3f eye, final float rollAngle, final float yawAngle, final float pitchAngle) {
    //roll = rolling your head, Q&E
    //yaw = looking left/right, mouseY
    //pitch = looking up/down, mouseX
    float sinRoll = (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rollAngle));
    float cosRoll = (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rollAngle));
    float sinYaw = (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yawAngle));
    float cosYaw = (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yawAngle));
    float sinPitch = (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(pitchAngle));
    float cosPitch = (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(pitchAngle));

    //TODO cannot roll yet
    Vector3f xAxis = new Vector3f(
        -sinPitch * sinYaw,
        -cosPitch * sinYaw
    Vector3f yAxis = new Vector3f(
    Vector3f zAxis = new Vector3f(
        sinPitch * cosYaw,
        cosPitch * cosYaw

    return multiply(
        xAxis.getX(),               xAxis.getY(),               xAxis.getZ(),               0.0f,   //X column
        yAxis.getX(),               yAxis.getY(),               yAxis.getZ(),               0.0f,   //Y column  
        zAxis.getX(),               zAxis.getY(),               zAxis.getZ(),               0.0f,   //Z column
        0.0f,                       0.0f,                       0.0f,                       1.0f    //W column

Somehow the eye.updateTranslate() is not working, which merely adds the values of the operand to the eye coordinate. 不知何故, eye.updateTranslate()不起作用,它只是将操作数的值添加到eye坐标。 Is any of my logic flawed there? 我的逻辑是否存在缺陷?

y is always 0 y始终为0

x=sin (yaw) x =罪(偏航)
z=cos (yaw) z = cos(偏航)

The rotation portion is a bit more complicated than you have it. 旋转部分比你有点复杂。

 R = yawMat.pitchMat.rollMat 

where: 哪里:

    yawMat={ { cosZ, -sinZ, 0 }, { sinZ, cosZ , 0 }, {0,0,1 } };

    pitchMat =  { { cosY , 0 , sinY }, { 0, 1 , 0 }, { -sinY, 0, cosY } };

    rollMat = { {1,0,0 }, {0,cosX,-sinX }, {0,sinX,cosX } };

The dot product of the three is what makes up your 3x3 rotation matrix R inside the homogeneous transform. 三者的点积是均匀变换中的3x3旋转矩阵R的组成部分。 Order of the dot product does matter so keep it consistent. 点积的顺序很重要,所以要保持一致。

Here is my reference. 是我的参考。

Final 4x4 matrix should look like 最终的4x4矩阵看起来应该是这样的

T = {{R00,R01,R02,X},{R10,R11,R12,Y},{R20,R21,R22,Z},{0,0,0,1}}

Edit If you want to do one rotation at a time then the other two 3x3 matrices go to the identity so you would have for instance just a rotation in the yaw: 编辑如果您想一次进行一次旋转,那么另外两个3x3矩阵将转到标识,因此您可以在偏航中进行旋转:

R = yawMat.I.I = yawMat

So: 所以:

R = { { cosZ, -sinZ, 0 }, { sinZ, cosZ , 0 }, {0,0,1 } }

Likewise for the others. 对其他人也一样。

As you have it written in order to build your transformation matrix it should be: 正如您为了构建转换矩阵而编写的那样,它应该是:

Vector3f xAxis = new Vector3f(
    cosYaw* sinPitch*sinRoll - sinYaw*cosRoll,
    cosYaw*sinPitch*cosRoll + sinYaw*sinRoll

Vector3f yAxis = new Vector3f(
    sinYaw*sinPitch*sinRoll + cosYaw*cosRoll,
    sinYaw*sinPitch*cosRoll - cosYaw*sinRoll
Vector3f zAxis = new Vector3f(
    cosPitch * cosYaw

Assuming fixed rotation order x -> y -> z followed by the translation X,Y,Z 假设固定旋转顺序x - > y - > z,然后是平移X,Y,Z

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