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[英]Dropdown list data not match using php and mysql

First of all thank you guys for helping me for this little problem I have. 首先,谢谢你们帮助我解决了这个小问题。

Straight to the matters, but first of all I've been looking about this scripts by googling it and of course in this forum. 直截了当,但首先,我一直通过在整个论坛中进行谷歌搜索来查找这些脚本。

My Database: 我的数据库:

(1). (1)。 tbl_barang > tbl_barang>

id_barang id_kategori id_klasifikasi nama_barang id_barang id_kategori id_klasifikasi nama_barang

(2). (2)。 tbl_kategori > tbl_kategori>

id_kategori nama_kategori id_kategori nama_kategori

(3). (3)。 tbl_klasifikasi > tbl_klasifikasi>

id_klasifikasi nama_klasifikasi id_klasifikasi nama_klasifikasi

And here my scripts > 这是我的脚本>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function showBarang(katid) {
<form action="" method="post" name="frm" id="frm">
<table width="500" border="0">

    <td width="119">Kategori</td>
    <td width="371">
       <select name="id_kategori" id="id_kategori" onChange="showBarang(this.value);">
       <option value="">--Select--</option>
        $sql1="select * from tbl_kategori";
       <option value="<?php echo $sql_res1["id_kategori"]; ?>" <?php if($sql_res1["id_kategori"]==$_REQUEST["id_kategori"]) { echo "Selected"; } ?>><?php echo $sql_res1["nama_kategori"]; ?></option>
 <!-- Klasifikasi -->
    <td id="td_company">
       <select name="id_klasifikasi" id="id_klasifikasi" onChange="showBarang(this.value);">
       <option value="">--Select--</option>
        $sql1="select * from tbl_klasifikasi";
       <option value="<?php echo $sql_res1["id_klasifikasi"]; ?>" <?php if($sql_res1["id_klasifikasi"]==$_REQUEST["id_klasifikasi"]) { echo "Selected"; } ?>><?php echo $sql_res1["nama_klasifikasi"]; ?></option>
    <td>Nama Barang</td>
    <td id="td_company">
       <select name="id_barang" id="id_barang">

       <option value="">--Select--</option>
       $sql="select * from tbl_barang where id_kategori and id_klasifikasi='$_REQUEST[id_kategori] && [id_klasifikasi]'";
       <option value="<?php echo $sql_res["id_barang"]; ?>"><?php echo $sql_res["nama_barang"]; ?></option>

The problem is, when we choose kategori and choose klasifikasi the data 'nama_barang' should displays on the third dropdown list. 问题是,当我们选择kategori并选择klasifikasi时,数据“ nama_barang”应显示在第三个下拉列表中。 But it's all mess, I don't know how to request two id's from the different tables and display it from one table 'tbl_barang'. 但这全是混乱,我不知道如何从不同的表中请求两个id并从一个表“ tbl_barang”中显示它。

The short issue is, I don't know how to display the data from tbl_barang > 'nama_barang' that have related id's from 'tbl_kategori' and 'tbl_klasifikasi'. 简短的问题是,我不知道如何显示tbl_barang>'nama_barang'中与'tbl_kategori'和'tbl_klasifikasi'相关的ID的数据。

Thank you so much if someone here help me, it's been three days and I'm stuck. 非常感谢如果有人在这里帮助我,已经三天了,我被困住了。

Thank you and best regards, 感谢你并致以真诚的问候,

Kris 克里斯

I think you are trying to do a join between different tables. 我认为你正在尝试做一个加入不同的表之间。

Next point is your sql syntax: 下一点是您的sql语法:

$sql="select * from tbl_barang where id_kategori and id_klasifikasi='$_REQUEST[id_kategori] && [id_klasifikasi]'";

Try this one: 试试这个:

$sql="select * from tbl_barang where id_kategori = ".$_REQUEST[id_kategori]." and id_klasifikasi = ".$_REQUEST[id_klasifikasi].";";

When those ids are stored as numbers do not use quotation marks to wrap them. 这些ID以数字形式存储时,请不要使用引号将它们引起来。

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。 It is not really clear what is you problem. 目前还不清楚你在做什么。

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