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[英]UML use case diagram Actors

Company X wants a web-based system that serves as a market place of ideas. X公司希望有一个基于Web的系统来充当思想市场。 Users should be able to login and post new ideas. 用户应该能够登录并发布新想法。 Other users can comment on them and “upvote” them. 其他用户可以对它们发表评论并对其进行“赞”。 The Administrators can login and mark that ideas have been implemented, and can reward the employee who posted it. 管理员可以登录并标记思想已经实施,并可以奖励发布思想的员工。 Following are the requirements: 以下是要求:

Users should be able to login.
Users should be able to post a new idea.
Users should be able to search for and view other ideas
Users should be able to comment on ideas
Users should be able to upvote ideas
Administrators should be able to mark ideas as implemented
Administrators should be able to delete unwanted comments

Do you guys think my diagram is correct? 你们认为我的图表正确吗? I am new to UML so you guys can make fun! 我是UML的新手,所以你们可以开心!

http://imgur.com/TGKhweh http://imgur.com/TGKhweh

It is a not so bad start. 这是一个不错的开始。 Only: 只要:

  • Administrators are also users. 管理员也是用户。 They descend from them. 他们从他们那里降临。 So, they should have a generalization connection - empty triangle head arrow from Admin to User. 因此,它们应该具有generalization连接-从Admin到User的空三角形箭头。 Or to OtherUser (look below). 或发给OtherUser(请看下面)。

  • it is more natural to have a picture and name of an exemplar of agent. 具有代理人示例的图片和名称更为自然。 So, user, administrator - in singular. 因此,用户,管理员-单数。

  • you can divide Users from Other Users only if they have different definition and that difference is seen from the documentation, too. 仅当用户具有不同的定义并且从文档中也可以看到不同时,才可以将用户与其他用户分开。 It is not. 它不是。 I would use only Users. 我只会使用用户。 Of course, if some users really have different rights, it is OK, but: 当然,如果某些用户确实具有不同的权限,可以,但是:

    • the name is not good, IMHO. 名称不好,恕我直言。
    • They have all options of users, don't they? 他们有用户的所有选择,不是吗? So they have to descend from Users 所以他们必须来自用户

  • You should continue by adding the parts of your future system, that will collaborate with human agents on these use cases. 您应该继续添加将来系统的各个部分,这些部分将与人工代理协作处理这些用例。 Now you have only the first half of work done. 现在您只完成了前半部分的工作。

Edit: 编辑:

  • Still your admin hasn't the generalization error from Admin to User. 您的管理员仍然没有从Admin到User的泛化错误。 Admin can do ALL activities that user can, cannot he? 管理员可以执行用户可以执行的所有活动,不是吗?
  • Still you have no subsystems on the diagram. 图表上仍然没有子系统。
  • Search through older ideas should be the use case directly connected to user. 通过较早的想法进行搜索应该是与用户直接相关的用例。 And it does not extends nothing on the diagram. 它并没有在图表上扩展任何内容。
  • Remember - use Include and Extends only on the last stage of UC diagram creation. 记住-仅在UC图创建的最后阶段使用“包含”和“扩展”。 When you already have the main picture and are refining it. 当您已经拥有主画面并对其进行优化时。 And very often they should be used only on further, more thorough diagrams. 而且通常只应在更详尽的图表上使用它们。 Using Include and Extend from the start means that you haven't found the main concepts yet. 从一开始就使用Include和Extend意味着您尚未找到主要概念。

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