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Play / Scala如何防止Json序列化空数组?

[英]Play/Scala how to prevent Json serialization of empty arrays?

I want to recursively write a class to Json, so I'm using the following implicit writes: 我想以递归方式将一个类写入Json,因此我使用以下隐式写入:

implicit val writesObject : Writes[Object] = (
  (__ \ "id").writeNullable[String] ~
  (__ \ "list").lazyWriteNullable(Writes.traversableWrites[Object](writesObject))

where Object is a class like this: 其中Object是这样的类:

case class Object(id: Option[String], list: Option[Seq[Object]])

It works, however I would like to prevent it from printing anything if "list" is empty. 它有效,但是如果“list”为空,我想阻止它打印任何东西。 For example: 例如:

I want: 我想要:

{ id: "someID",
  list: [
            id: "someOtherId"            

I currently get(but don't want): 我目前得到(但不想要):

{ id: "someID",
  list: [
            id: "someOtherId"            
            list: []

How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I'm new to Play/Scala and not sure exactly what should I be looking at so any pointers would be helpful. 我是Play / Scala的新手,不确定我应该注意什么,所以任何指针都会有所帮助。 I'm using Scala 2.2.1. 我正在使用Scala 2.2.1。

PS: I've checked Scala Json Combinators but didn't see any reference on how to get this done. PS:我已经检查过Scala Json Combinators,但没有看到任何关于如何完成这项工作的参考。

Update: 更新:

So my issue is not that list is null, but that list is empty. 所以我的问题不是该列表为空,但该列表为空。 That's why lazyWriteNullable wasn't working. 这就是为什么lazyWriteNullable不起作用的原因。

Testing johanandren answer I came up with the following extension to JsPath that returns Option[T] and supports the lazy format for recursive writes: 测试johanandren的答案我想出了JsPath的以下扩展,返回Option [T]并支持递归写入的惰性格式:

def lazyWriteNullableIterable[T <: Iterable[_]](w: => Writes[T]): OWrites[Option[T]] = OWrites((t: Option[T]) => {
  if(t != null) {
    t.getOrElse(Seq.empty).size match {
      case 0 => Json.obj()
      case _ => Writes.nullable[T](path)(w).writes(t)
  else {

Thanks 谢谢

You can create a custom OFormat that will do this. 您可以创建一个自定义OFormat来执行此操作。 By implicitly decorating JsPath with it you can include it in your json combinator definitions: 通过使用它隐式装饰JsPath,您可以将它包含在json组合器定义中:

implicit class PathAdditions(path: JsPath) {

  def readNullableIterable[A <: Iterable[_]](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[A] =
    Reads((json: JsValue) => path.applyTillLast(json).fold(
      error => error,
      result => result.fold(
        invalid = (_) => reads.reads(JsArray()),
        valid = {
          case JsNull => reads.reads(JsArray())
          case js => reads.reads(js).repath(path)

  def writeNullableIterable[A <: Iterable[_]](implicit writes: Writes[A]): OWrites[A] =
    OWrites[A]{ (a: A) =>
      if (a.isEmpty) Json.obj()
      else JsPath.createObj(path -> writes.writes(a))

  /** When writing it ignores the property when the collection is empty,
    * when reading undefined and empty jsarray becomes an empty collection */
  def formatNullableIterable[A <: Iterable[_]](implicit format: Format[A]): OFormat[A] =
    OFormat[A](r = readNullableIterable(format), w = writeNullableIterable(format))


This would allow you to create formats/reads/writes using the json combinator syntax like this: 这将允许您使用json组合器语法创建格式/读/写,如下所示:

case class Something(as: List[String], v: String)

import somewhere.PathAdditions    
val reads: Reads[Something] = (
  (__ \ "possiblyMissing").readNullableIterable[List[String]] and
  (__ \ "somethingElse").read[String]

val writes: Writes[Something] = (
  (__ \ "possiblyMissing").writeNullableIterable[List[String]] and
  (__ \ "somethingElse").write[String]

val format: Format[Something] = (
  (__ \ "possiblyMissing").formatNullableIterable[List[String]] and
  (__ \ "somethingElse").format[String]
)(Something, unlift(Something.unapply))

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