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[英]How to make a 2D Gaussian Process using GPML (Matlab) for regression?

I have an Nx2 input matrix called X . 我有一个名为XNx2输入矩阵。 I also have the output values Y which is a vector Nx1 . 我也有输出值Y ,它是矢量Nx1 I create some data to test as follows: 我创建了一些数据来测试如下:


So, matrix Z is of nx2 dimensions and is going to be used as my test points. 因此,矩阵Z具有nx2维度,并将用作我的测试点。 I use the default tuning of the parameters found in the demo provided with the GPML lib which is as follows: 我使用GPML lib提供的演示中的参数的默认调整,如下所示:

covfunc = {@covMaterniso, 3}; 
ell = 1/4; sf = 1; 
hyp.cov = log([ell; sf]);
likfunc = @likGauss; 
sn = 0.1;
hyp.lik = log(sn);

and then use the gp function: 然后使用gp函数:

[ymu ys2 fmu fs2] = gp(hyp, @infExact, [], covfunc, likfunc, x, y, z);

I expected ymu to be the predicted value for each testing value in z. 我希望ymu是z中每个测试值的预测值。 When I plot this like this: 当我这样绘制时:


I get a strange surface. 我得到一个奇怪的表面。 ie i get stripes of coloured area rather some Gaussian like structure which is expected. 即我得到彩色区域的条纹,而不是一些预期的高斯式结构。 The data in X and Y are real life data. XY中的数据是实际数据。 这是我从我的代码中得到的

What I would expect: 我期待的是: 我期待什么

You're using it wrong. 你错了。 Your z variable should be given by [L1(:),L2(:)]. 你的z变量应该由[L1(:),L2(:)]给出。 Then what you should plot is: 然后你应该绘制的是:


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