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Intellij Scala无法识别运营商

[英]Intellij Scala not recognizing operators

I'm using the Play Framework with Scala, developing using IntelliJ IDEA Community 13. I've got Play running from a terminal; 我正在使用Play框架与Scala,使用IntelliJ IDEA社区13开发。我已经从终端运行Play; that's all working. 一切正常。 However, IntelliJ isn't recognizing some of the operators used on strings. 但是,IntelliJ无法识别字符串上使用的某些运算符。

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

package controllers

import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json._

object Application extends Controller {

  def index = Action {

  def tasks = TODO

  def newTask = TODO

  def deleteTask(id: Long) = TODO

  def sayHello = Action(parse.json) { request =>
    (request.body \ "name").asOpt[String].map { name =>
        Map("status" -> "OK", "message" -> ("Hello " + name)) // this line
    }.getOrElse {
      BadRequest("Missing parameter [name]")


It compiles and runs fine in Play. 它在Play中编译并运行良好。 However, IntelliJ marks the + and -> operators as invalid, giving me a "Cannot resolve symbol + " when I hover. 但是,IntelliJ将+->运算符标记为无效,当我悬停时,给我一个“无法解析符号+

I know this is more of an inconvenience than anything else, but it's really bothering me. 我知道这比其他任何事都更不方便,但这真的让我烦恼。 What do I have to import or configure in order to get IntelliJ to recognize those operators? 我需要导入或配置什么才能让IntelliJ识别这些运算符?

Evidently, JetBrains have taken a "forever in beta" approach with Scala plugin, so be prepared to see bugs frequently. 显然,JetBrains采用了Scala插件的“永远处于测试阶段”的方法,因此请准备好经常看到错误。 I report them on a daily basis, and I gotta admit, that they do solve the issues I post. 我每天都会报告,我必须承认,他们确实解决了我发布的问题。 Basically what I wanna say is whenever you come across any issue with Scala plugin just post it on their issue tracker . 基本上我想说的是每当你遇到Scala插件的任何问题时,只需将它发布在他们的问题跟踪器上

Once you confirm you have the latest versions of the Scala and Play plugins installed and configured, create a new Play application with IntelliJ as described here . 一旦你确认你有斯卡拉的最新版本和游戏安装和配置的插件,创建一个新的Play应用程序的IntelliJ与所描述的在这里

@Randall's approach to the problem from the other side, having Play generate an IntelliJ project, should work, but I personally have found issues with that because of a lagging behind due to changes made by JetBrains to IntelliJ. @Randall从另一方面解决问题的方法,让Play生成一个IntelliJ项目,应该可行,但我个人已经发现问题,因为JetBrains对IntelliJ所做的更改导致了落后。 It might still work for you though. 它可能仍适用于你。

Randall gave the answer in his comment, you probabally haven't set up your project correctly, or have forgotten to do sbt gen-idea (and restart/reload Intellij) after adding dependencies. Randall在他的评论中给出了答案,你可能没有正确设置你的项目,或者在添加依赖项之后忘记做了sbt gen-idea (并重新启动/重新加载Intellij)。 Additionally I've noticed weird Intellij nonrecognition errors often go away after updates to the IDE. 另外我注意到在更新IDE之后,奇怪的Intellij非识别错误经常消失。

I have faced the same problem when I was using mkString method in scala. 当我在scala中使用mkString方法时,我遇到了同样的问题。 And the intellij was throwing compiler alert as 并且intellij正在抛出编译器警报

cannot recognise symbol mkString 无法识别符号mkString

But when I applied toString method before using the mkString method. 但是当我在使用mkString方法之前应用toString方法时。 The alert was gone and the code compiled successfully 警报消失了,代码编译成功

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