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[英]Scala on Intellij

When I set up a scala project on intellij I compile and run it locally. 当我在intellij上建立一个scala项目时,我会在本地编译并运行它。 I have a line in it as follows 我在其中一行如下


In the output "Test" appears. 在输出中出现“测试”。 I believe this is the job's Java System.out. 我相信这是工作的Java System.out。 Correct me if i'm wrong. 如果我错了纠正我。 When I run the same scala project (jar) file from intellij, I submit it through intellij (Azure toolkit for intellij) to a spark cluster I have spun up on azure. 当我从intellij运行相同的scala项目(jar)文件时,我通过intellij(用于intellij的Azure工具包)将其提交给在Azure上旋转的Spark集群。 I do not see the outputs. 我没有看到输出。 I do not see "Test" in the window at the bottom. 我在底部的窗口中没有看到“测试”。

  1. where can i see the outputs? 我在哪里可以看到输出?
  2. if i can't see the outputs, can i write them to a text file somewhere on blob storage? 如果看不到输出,是否可以将它们写到Blob存储中的某个文本文件中? If so, how? 如果是这样,怎么办?

I'd recommend checking the following documentation , although it specifically mentions remote debugging, there is a section in the screenshots highlighting the console. 我建议您检查以下文档 ,尽管它特别提到了远程调试,但屏幕截图中有一个部分突出显示了控制台。 You could also check the following documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/hdinsight/spark/apache-spark-intellij-tool-debug-remotely-through-ssh 您也可以查看以下文档https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/hdinsight/spark/apache-spark-intellij-tool-debug-remotely-through-ssh

Let me know if this helps. 让我知道是否有帮助。

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