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[英]exponential multiplication algorithm that runs in O(n) time?

I am reading an algorithms textbook and I am stumped by this question: 我正在读一本算法教科书,我对这个问题很难过:

Suppose we want to compute the value x^y, where x and y are positive integers with m and n bits, respectively. 假设我们想要计算值x ^ y,其中x和y分别是具有m和n位的正整数。 One way to solve the problem is to perform y - 1 multiplications by x. 解决问题的一种方法是用x进行y-1次乘法。 Can you give a more efficient algorithm that uses only O(n) multiplication steps? 你能提供一个只使用O(n)乘法步骤的更有效的算法吗?

Would this be a divide and conquer algorithm? 这会是一个分而治之的算法吗? y-1 multiplications by x would run in theta(n) right? y-1乘以x将在θ(n)右边运行? .. I don't know where to start with this question ..我不知道从哪里开始这个问题

I understand this better in an iterative way: 我以迭代的方式更好地理解这一点:

You can compute x^z for all powers of two: z = (2^0, 2^1, 2^2, ... ,2^(n-1)) 你可以计算所有2的幂的x ^ z:z =(2 ^ 0,2 ^ 1,2 ^ 2,...,2 ^(n-1))

Simply by going from 1 to n and applying x^(2^(i+1)) = x^(2^i) * x^(2^i). 简单地从1到n并且应用x ^(2 ^(i + 1))= x ^(2 ^ i)* x ^(2 ^ i)。

Now you can use these n values to compute x^y: 现在您可以使用这些n值来计算x ^ y:

result = 1
for i=0 to n-1:
    if the i'th bit in y is on:
        result *= x^(2^i)
return result

All is done in O(n) 一切都在O(n)完成

Apply a simple recursion for divide and conquer. 应用简单的递归进行分而治之。 Here i am posting a more like a pseudo code. 在这里,我发布更像伪代码。

x^y :=
    base case: if y==1 return x;
        if y%2==0:  
            then (x^2)^(y/2;

The y-1 multiplications solution is based on the identity x^y = x * x^(y-1) . y-1乘法解决方案基于身份x^y = x * x^(y-1) By repeated application of the identity, you know that you will decrease y down to 1 in y-1 steps. 通过重复应用身份,您知道您将以y-1步骤将y减少到1

A better idea is to decrease y more "energically". 更好的想法是更“减少”地减少y。 Assuming an even y , we have x^y = x^(2*y/2) = (x^2)^(y/2) . 假设偶数y ,我们得到x^y = x^(2*y/2) = (x^2)^(y/2) Assuming an odd y , we have x^y = x^(2*y/2+1) = x * (x^2)^(y/2) . 假设奇数y ,我们得到x^y = x^(2*y/2+1) = x * (x^2)^(y/2)

You see that you can halve y , provided you continue the power computation with x^2 instead of x . 如果继续使用x^2而不是x进行功率计算,您会看到可以将y减半。

Recursively: 递归:

Power(x, y)=
    1 if y = 0
    x if y = 1
    Power(x * x, y / 2) if y even
    x * Power(x * x, y / 2) if y odd

Another way to view it is to read y as a sum of weighted bits. 查看它的另一种方法是将y读作加权位的总和。 y = b0 + 2.b1 + 4.b2 + 8.b3...

The properties of exponentiation imply: 取幂的性质意味着:

x^y = x^b0 . x^(2.b1) . x^(4.b2) . x^(8.b2)... 
    = x^b0 . (x^2)^b1 . (x^4)^b2 . (x^8)^b3...

You can obtain the desired powers of x by squaring, and the binary decomposition of y tells you which powers to multiply. 您可以通过平方获得所需的x幂,并且y的二进制分解告诉您要乘以哪些幂。

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