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[英]libGDX - How to speed up scenario?

I'm developing an Android game, using libGDX in eclipse. 我正在开发一个Android游戏,在eclipse中使用libGDX。 I want to speed up my scenario (a treadmill) every time a player scores 10 points. 每当球员得分达到10分时,我都想加快步伐(跑步机)。 The treadmill has an initial speed equals to 0, and recieves 5 for each 10 points. 跑步机的初始速度等于0,每10点获得5。 When the character fall out the screen, the player lose the game. 当角色掉出屏幕时,玩家会输掉游戏。 Anyone knows how to do that? 有人知道该怎么做吗?

I suppose you realize the treadmill animation with Animation . 我想您可以通过Animation实现treadmill动画。 First take a look at this tutorial . 首先看一下本教程 You will note the float stateTime and the first parameter in new Animation(0.025f, walkFrames); 您将注意到float stateTimenew Animation(0.025f, walkFrames);的第一个参数new Animation(0.025f, walkFrames); . The stateTime describes your current time. stateTime描述您的当前时间。 This first parameter of Animation describes the duration of a frame. Animation第一个参数描述一帧的持续时间。 If stateTime is bigger then frameDuration the next Texture / Sprite of the Animation will be drawn. 如果stateTime较大,则frameDuration将绘制Animation的下一个Texture / Sprite You cannot change this float frameDuration , you can only set it in the constructor. 您不能更改此float frameDuration ,只能在构造函数中进行设置。 But you can set the stateTime . 但是您可以设置stateTime Normaly you use stateTime += delta , so you have the exact time. stateTime += delta ,您使用stateTime += delta ,因此您拥有准确的时间。 To speed it up/ slow it down you can multiply it with float speed : 要加快/降低速度,您可以将其乘以float speed

stateTime += delta * speed;
  1. For speed < 0 a frame would take longer, so the Animation is slower. 对于speed < 0一帧将花费更长的时间,因此Animation会更慢。
  2. For speed == 0 the Animation has its normal speed. 对于speed == 0Animation具有其正常速度。
  3. For speed > 0 the Animation is faster. 对于speed > 0Animation会更快。

If you die, just reset the speed to 0, so the treadmill won't be animated, as statetime never gets changed: stateTime + (delta * 0) = stateTime 如果死了,只需将speed重置为0,就不会对treadmill进行动画处理,因为statetime永远不会改变: stateTime + (delta * 0) = stateTime

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