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[英]Form designer in VS2013 Zoomed in?

Just upgraded to windows 8 and loaded on VS2013, opened up a quick new project (winforms) and created a 2 min, quick UI.. 刚升级到Windows 8并加载到VS2013上,打开了一个快速的新项目(winforms),并创建了一个2分钟的快速UI。

Just noticed when I've built/run the app that the form in design mode appears larger than the form when its actually Started. 刚刚注意到,当我构建/运行该应用程序时,设计模式下的表单看上去比实际启动时的表单大。

Screen shot below. 屏幕截图如下。

Ive never had this before? 我以前从来没有过? Form designer has always been relative to the executable running. 表单设计器始终是相对于可执行文件运行的。

Have I set something up wrong does anyone know? 我设置错了任何人都知道吗?

Form seems really big in the designer? 形式在设计师看来真的很大吗?

My screen res is 1440x900. 我的屏幕分辨率是1440x900。


I did resolve this issue in the end, but it was a strange "fix". 最后,我确实解决了此问题,但这是一个奇怪的“修复”。 I check my Display settings and the section "Change the size of all items" was set to 100% (default), but in VS my form designer would still be working to a different scale it appeared. 我检查了“显示”设置,并将“更改所有项目的大小”部分设置为100%(默认值),但是在VS中,我的表单设计器仍会以不同的比例工作。

I changed the size/scale in Display to 125% and that brought the VS form in design mode in-line (size-wise) to the form when running, but obviously both were now running scaled up to 125% which was way to large. 我将“显示”中的大小/比例更改为125%,并在运行时将设计模式下的VS表单按行(按大小)插入表单,但显然现在两者都已按比例放大到125%,这是很大的方法。 I then returned the Display setting back to 100% default and when I opened VS I noticed instantly the scale seemed correct. 然后,我将“显示”设置恢复为默认的100%,当我打开VS时,我立即注意到比例似乎正确。 And thankfully now my forms in designer were the same scale as my forms when running. 幸运的是,现在我在设计器中的表单与运行时的表单具有相同的比例。 Its almost as though VS was picking up an incorrect setting(s) and the Display setting just needed refreshing. 几乎就像VS选择了错误的设置,而Display设置只需要刷新即可。

I dont think this was a fluke for me as I have had the exact same issue over 4 recent fresh builds of VS 2013 on different machines across Windows 8 and 8.1. 我认为这不是我的fl幸,因为在Windows 8和8.1的不同计算机上,最近有4个VS 2013的最新更新版本出现了完全相同的问题。 All had this same issue. 所有人都有同样的问题。

Just thought i'd share my experience incase it helps anyone else in the future - very random issue to encounter! 只是想我会分享我的经验,以防将来对其他人有帮助-遇到非常随机的问题!

I had the same problem when using 1080p laptop display and 1440p monitor. 使用1080p笔记本电脑显示器和1440p显示器时,我遇到了同样的问题。 No "Change the size of items" helped. 没有“更改项目大小”帮助。 VS somehow remembered the settings from 1440p monitor on 1080p laptop display - even without the connected 1440p. VS以某种方式记住了1080p笔记本电脑显示器上1440p显示器的设置-即使没有连接的1440p。 All I had to do was to connect the laptop to 1440p monitor and move the vs window from 1080p to 1440p and back to 1080p. 我要做的就是将笔记本电脑连接到1440p显示器,并将vs窗口从1080p移至1440p,再移回1080p。 Now the scale seems fine. 现在规模似乎很好。

I had the same issue with VS2013 in Windows 10 and the same solution resolved it. 我在Windows 10中遇到了与VS2013相同的问题,并且相同的解决方案解决了该问题。 Just toggle the Windows display settings back to 100%. 只需将Windows显示设置切换回100%。 All good now! 一切都好!

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