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如何从mcmc RJAGS中提取数据

[英]How can I extract data from mcmc RJAGS

I'm running the following model where I got a measurement for each polling week. 我正在运行以下模型,其中每个投票周都有一个度量值。 Which produce more than 100 alpha vectors for each party. 每一方产生100多个alpha向量。 May question is, how could I stockpile them in a way I could draw a line graph? 可能的问题是,我该如何以绘制折线图的方式来存放它们?

  ## measurement 
 for(i in 1:NPOLLS){  
      p1[i] ~ dnorm(alpha1[WoY[i]] + pollster1[org[i]], prec1[i])
       p2[i] ~ dnorm(alpha2[WoY[i]] + pollster2[org[i]], prec2[i])
       p3[i] ~ dnorm(alpha3[WoY[i]] + pollster3[org[i]], prec3[i])


## transition 
for(i in 2:NPERIODS){    
    alpha1[i] ~ dnorm(alpha1[i-1],phi1)
    alpha2[i] ~ dnorm(alpha2[i-1],phi2)
    alpha3[i] ~ dnorm(alpha3[i-1],phi3)

pollster1[1] <- -sum(pollster1[2:NPOLLSTERS])
pollster2[1] <- -sum(pollster2[2:NPOLLSTERS])
pollster3[1] <- -sum(pollster3[2:NPOLLSTERS])

## priors
phi1 ~ dgamma(5000,1)     
alpha1[1] ~ dunif(.2,.4) 
phi2 ~ dgamma(5000,1)     
alpha2[1] ~ dunif(.2,.4)
phi3 ~ dgamma(10000,1)     
alpha3[1] ~ dunif(.1,.3)
    for(i in 2:NPOLLSTERS){
    pollster1[i] ~ dnorm(0,.01);    
    pollster2[i] ~ dnorm(0,.01);
    pollster3[i] ~ dnorm(0,.01);
 } }

jags function provid a mmcm.list object with a summary generic function for this class of object. jags函数为mmcm.list对象提供此类对象的summary通用函数。 Use str and name functions on your new object return by the jags function and you need to find something like mcmc . jags函数返回的新对象上使用strname函数,您需要找到类似mcmc东西。 The mcmc sub-object is a matrix of class mcmc.list containing the posteriors with n row the number of iterartion and n col the estimated parameters. mcmc子对象是mcmc.list类的矩阵, mcmc.list包含mcmc.list其中n row表示迭代次数, n col表示估计参数。 So you can extract what you want. 这样您就可以提取所需的内容。 The length of the mcmc object is equal to the number of chains. mcmc对象的长度等于链数。 They also have a generic plot.mcmmc funcion to draw the posterior density. 它们还具有通用的plot.mcmmc来绘制后密度。

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