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三.js 2D 文本精灵标签

[英]three.js 2D Text sprite labels

I'm new to three.js and have some issues belonging 2D Text:我是 Three.js 的新手,有一些属于 2D 文本的问题:

What I want: I want some Labels for eg.我想要什么:我想要一些标签,例如。 the x,y and z-axis. x、y 和 z 轴。 The labels should always look to the camera.标签应始终注视着相机。 Maybe later they should only be shown, if their hovered but that's another topic.也许以后他们应该只显示,如果他们悬停,但那是另一个话题。

What are my issues I found this tutorial (which is excatly the effect I want to achieve | http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/Sprite-Text-Labels.html ), but it's for an old version of three.js using methods like var spriteAlignment = THREE.SpriteAlignment.topLeft;我发现这个教程有什么问题(这正是我想要达到的效果 | http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/Sprite-Text-Labels.html ),但它是针对旧版本的三.js 使用var spriteAlignment = THREE.SpriteAlignment.topLeft; . . I found this workaround ( THREE.SpriteAlignment showing up as undefined ) but it's not clear for me how I could use the new approach for my needs.我找到了这个解决方法( THREE.SpriteAlignment 显示为 undefined ),但我不清楚如何使用新方法来满足我的需求。

What I'm looking for Maybe you could help me name that thing I was searching for or come up with a short approach.我在寻找什么也许你可以帮我命名我正在寻找的东西,或者想出一个简短的方法。

Text Sprites are nice, but if you use more then thousand of it it can slow down everything because of the GPU.文本精灵很好,但如果你使用超过一千个它会因为 GPU 而减慢一切。

There is a "better" way, create the Sprite as Canvas, here is a function that I use too for it:有一种“更好”的方法,将 Sprite 创建为 Canvas,这是我也使用的一个函数:

    function makeTextSprite( message, parameters )
        if ( parameters === undefined ) parameters = {};
        var fontface = parameters.hasOwnProperty("fontface") ? parameters["fontface"] : "Arial";
        var fontsize = parameters.hasOwnProperty("fontsize") ? parameters["fontsize"] : 18;
        var borderThickness = parameters.hasOwnProperty("borderThickness") ? parameters["borderThickness"] : 4;
        var borderColor = parameters.hasOwnProperty("borderColor") ?parameters["borderColor"] : { r:0, g:0, b:0, a:1.0 };
        var backgroundColor = parameters.hasOwnProperty("backgroundColor") ?parameters["backgroundColor"] : { r:255, g:255, b:255, a:1.0 };
        var textColor = parameters.hasOwnProperty("textColor") ?parameters["textColor"] : { r:0, g:0, b:0, a:1.0 };

        var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        context.font = "Bold " + fontsize + "px " + fontface;
        var metrics = context.measureText( message );
        var textWidth = metrics.width;

        context.fillStyle   = "rgba(" + backgroundColor.r + "," + backgroundColor.g + "," + backgroundColor.b + "," + backgroundColor.a + ")";
        context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + borderColor.r + "," + borderColor.g + "," + borderColor.b + "," + borderColor.a + ")";

        context.lineWidth = borderThickness;
        roundRect(context, borderThickness/2, borderThickness/2, (textWidth + borderThickness) * 1.1, fontsize * 1.4 + borderThickness, 8);

        context.fillStyle = "rgba("+textColor.r+", "+textColor.g+", "+textColor.b+", 1.0)";
        context.fillText( message, borderThickness, fontsize + borderThickness);

        var texture = new THREE.Texture(canvas) 
        texture.needsUpdate = true;

        var spriteMaterial = new THREE.SpriteMaterial( { map: texture, useScreenCoordinates: false } );
        var sprite = new THREE.Sprite( spriteMaterial );
        sprite.scale.set(0.5 * fontsize, 0.25 * fontsize, 0.75 * fontsize);
        return sprite;  

I've published a module on NPM that does that for you: https://github.com/gamestdio/three-text2d我已经在 NPM 上发布了一个模块,可以为您做到这一点: https : //github.com/gamestdio/three-text2d

It allows you to have an Object3D with rendered text without dealing with canvas manually.它允许您拥有带有渲染文本的Object3D ,而无需手动处理画布。


var Text2D = require('three-text2d').Text2D

var text = new Text2D("Hello world!", { align: textAlign.right, font: '30px Arial', fillStyle: '#000000', antialias: true })

You can use my SpriteText object.您可以使用我的 SpriteText 对象。 See example of using sprites_text .请参阅使用sprites_text 的示例。

Example of code:代码示例:

var spriteText = new THREE.SpriteText({ text: 'Hello world!' });
scene.add( spriteText );

Source .来源

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