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[英]How to include bootstrap values in phylogenetic trees in ape package

I am using the R package ape to analyze some sequences stored in a DNAbin object: 我正在使用R包ape分析DNAbin对象中存储的一些序列:

my.seq  <- read.dna("sequences.txt", format = "clustal")
my.dist <- dist.dna(my.seq)
my.tree <- nj(my.dist)

I want to find the bootstrap values, so I use boot.phylo: 我想找到引导程序值,所以我使用boot.phylo:

boot <- boot.phylo(my.tree, my.seq, FUN = function(xx) nj(dist.dna(xx)), B = 100)

But I get an error message saying: 但是我收到一条错误消息:

Error in if (drop[j]) next : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Any idea what this means, and how to fix it? 知道这意味着什么,以及如何解决? I tried googling the error message, and I could not find anything. 我尝试使用Google搜索错误消息,但找不到任何东西。

Your if condition resulted in an NA . 您的if条件导致NA

It must have either TRUE or FALSE result. 它必须具有TRUEFALSE结果。

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