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[英]How to access to specify file in subfolder without change working directory In R?

In R, I want to access to some file in subfolder.在 R 中,我想访问子文件夹中的某个文件。 But I don't want to change working directory then move back.但我不想更改工作目录然后移回。 It lost time and long.它失去了时间和漫长。

For exmaple, I working on /home/phuong folder.例如,我在/home/phuong文件夹上工作。 Here is the tree structure of phuong.这是 phuong 的树结构。

phuong-> data1, data2, data3.
data1-> abc.csv, def.csv, script1.R
data2-> bond.csv, option.csv, pricing.R

So i want to load data in abc.csv, def.csv and run code in pricing.R.所以我想在 abc.csv、def.csv 中加载数据并在pricing.R 中运行代码。

So if use code setwd , it make me lost many time and look code so stupid, like this:所以如果使用代码setwd ,它会让我失去很多时间并且看起来代码很愚蠢,就像这样:

setwd("/home/phuong/data1" );

setwd("/home/phuong/data2" );

I lost a lot of times to move from folder to another folder but all of them in the same folder home/phuong/ .我失去了很多次从文件夹移动到另一个文件夹,但它们都在同一个文件夹home/phuong/ So I need some way to access to any file in subfolder without setwd command.所以我需要一些方法来访问子文件夹中的任何文件而无需setwd命令。 Please help me , thks.请帮助我,谢谢。

Assuming your working directory is /home/hermie and you want to load a .csv file from a directory below your current WD (let's say /home/hermie/data ), you can simply do this:假设您的工作目录是/home/hermie并且您想从当前 WD 下的目录加载.csv文件(比如/home/hermie/data ),您可以简单地执行以下操作:

myData <- read.csv('./data/myCsvFile.csv')

Of course you could also navigate "upwards" in the directory tree.当然,您也可以在目录树中“向上”导航。 Let's say you want to load a file in Bob's home directory ( /home/bob ).假设您要在 Bob 的主目录 ( /home/bob ) 中加载一个文件。 You can do it as follows:你可以这样做:

data_from_bob <- read.csv('../bob/otherDataFile.csv') # Of course, this will work
                                                      # only if you can read
                                                      # files from that directory

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。


Somehow I think you want someone to write the solution for you... and I propose this:不知何故,我认为您希望有人为您编写解决方案……我建议这样做:

> setwd('/home/phuong')
> data_abc <- read.csv('./data1/abc.csv')
> data_def <- read.csv('./data1/def.csv')
> source('./data2/pricing.R')

Is it really so dificult to write this?写这个真的有那么难吗? You would have to write much more if you changed your WD on every step of the way.如果你在每一步都改变了你的 WD,你将不得不写更多。

And, about my sugestion on symlinks, on your bash terminal you could do something like this:而且,关于我对符号链接的建议,在您的 bash 终端上,您可以执行以下操作:

$ cd /home/phuong
$ ln -s ./data1/abc.csv data1_abc.csv
$ ln -s ./data1/def.csv data1_def.csv
$ ln -s ./data2/pricing.R pricing.R

And then, from R:然后,从 R:

> setwd('/home/phuong')
> data_abc <- read.csv('data_abc.csv')
> data_def <- read.csv('data_def.csv')
> source('pricing.R')

You could use what Hadley calls a closure in Advanced R if I understand what you're after:如果我了解您的要求,您可以使用 Hadley 在Advanced R 中所说的闭包:

## Make a function that takes a path and another function
## and returns that same function with the path pre-progammed in
pathit <- function(FUN, path){
    function(file, ...){
        FUN(file=file.path(path, file), ...)

## generate new functions that have the path pre-programmed in
read.csv2b <- pathit(read.csv, "home/phuong/data1")
source2 <- pathit(source, "home/phuong/data2")


If you have a lot of stuff to read in this may be worthwhile otherwise why not supply the whole path to the actual functions?如果你有很多东西要读,这可能是值得的,否则为什么不提供实际功能的完整路径呢? If this isn't what you're after it was still a fun learning experience for me :-)如果这不是你所追求的,那对我来说仍然是一次有趣的学习经历:-)

For me, the most intuitive way to learn to navigate folders is by using list.files("../") .对我来说,学习导航文件夹最直观的方法是使用list.files("../") You will see how upstream or downstream you need to navigate from your current location :)您将看到您需要从当前位置导航到上游或下游的程度:)

I don't know if this is what you were looking for, but I have a library of files in a specific github folder that I source when I initialize a project in a new branch, and I found one solution online like this:我不知道这是否是您要查找的内容,但是我在特定 github 文件夹中有一个文件库,当我在新分支中初始化项目时,我会使用该文件夹,并且我在网上找到了一个解决方案,如下所示:

library_files <- list.files()
sapply(library_files, source)

which is great except now I'm starting every file in a directory where I wouldn't want to save plots etc., so I realized all it needed was this:这很好,除了现在我在一个目录中启动每个文件,我不想保存图等,所以我意识到它需要的是:

library_files <- list.files("~/repos/library/all_the_things", full.name=T)
sapply(library_files, source)

and now it runs them without changing directories.现在它可以在不更改目录的情况下运行它们。

I just discovered the here package.我刚刚发现了here包。 I used it for a project I'm working on.我将它用于我正在从事的项目 It provides a cleaner method of referencing nested folders than the other options mentioned so far.与目前提到的其他选项相比,它提供了一种更简洁的引用嵌套文件夹的方法。 As an example:举个例子:


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