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OpenGL ES 3.1支持(Android L开发人员预览)

[英]OpenGL ES 3.1 support (Android L developer preview)

I installed Android L developer preview image on Nexus 5 yesterday in hopes to start implementing compute shaders. 我昨天在Nexus 5上安装了Android L开发人员预览图像,希望开始实现计算着色器。 The code I expected to give me GLES31 capable OpenGL context is; 我期望给我提供支持GLES31的OpenGL上下文的代码是;

GLSurfaceView glView = new GLSurfaceView(context);

The exact same code which creates OpenGL ES 3.0 context on Android 4.4.4. 与在Android 4.4.4上创建OpenGL ES 3.0上下文完全相同的代码。

But instead I am getting OpenGL ES 3.0 context without the new GLES31 capabilities. 但是我得到的是没有新GLES31功能的OpenGL ES 3.0上下文。

Am I missing something fundamental in regard to OpenGL context creation - or is it the case OpenGL ES 3.1 is not supported on current Android L developer preview image (= LPV79)? 我是否缺少有关OpenGL上下文创建的基本知识?或者当前的Android L开发者预览图像(= LPV79)不支持OpenGL ES 3.1吗?

Are you absolutely sure that Nexus5 hardware does support OpenGL ES 3.1? 您是否绝对确定Nexus5硬件支持OpenGL ES 3.1?

AFAIK Adreno 330 supports only ES 3.0, and ES 3.1 is introduced in Adreno 420 GPU. AFAIK Adreno 330仅支持ES 3.0,而Adreno 420 GPU中引入了ES 3.1。

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