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我们可以仅在iPad 1中限制下载或启动通用应用程序吗?

[英]Can we restrict download or launch of an universal app in iPad 1 alone?

I have a universal app, it supports both iPad and iPhone. 我有一个通用应用程序,它同时支持iPad和iPhone。 I do not want the app to be downloaded or launched in iPad 1 alone. 我不希望仅在iPad 1中下载或启动该应用程序。

When the user downloads the app from App Store, is there a way to disable the download or launch of the app only for the first generation of iPad. 当用户从App Store下载该应用程序时,有一种方法只能针对第一代iPad禁用该应用程序的下载或启动。

If not, can I add it in "What's new" option during the release of the app to App Store. 如果没有,我可以在将应用发布到App Store期间在“新功能”选项中添加它。 Since it is a next version of release. 由于它是发行版的下一个版本。

Please help. 请帮忙。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You could try to find a restriction with the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the info.plist. 您可以尝试通过info.plist中的UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities键找到一个限制。 But this key only allows restrictions like armv7, magnetometer, etc. (full list available here ). 但是此键仅允许使用armv7,磁力计等限制( 此处有完整列表)。 So you can't filter only iPads of the first generation. 因此,您不能只过滤第一代iPad。

Anyway, what you could do is checking at runtime whether it's an iPad 1 or not. 无论如何,您可以做的是在运行时检查它是否是iPad 1。 With this Library it's quite simple: 有了这个库,它非常简单:

if([[UIDevice currentDevice] platformType] == UIDevice1GiPad){
   //it's an iPad 1!

I don't believe you can restrict your software to a certain class of devices, but you can impose limits based on iOS version. 我不认为您可以将软件限制在特定类别的设备上,但是可以基于iOS版本施加限制。 The newest version of iOS supported by the original iPad is 5.1.1, which is quite dated now, so you might consider requiring iOS6+ on the App Store. 原始iPad支持的iOS最新版本是5.1.1,该版本已经过时,因此您可以考虑在App Store上要求使用iOS6 +。

Also, you could require the device to have a camera, which the iPad 1 does not. 另外,您可能要求设备具有相机,而iPad 1没有。 But beware that Apple could reject your app if it does not actually use the camera. 但是请注意,如果苹果没有实际使用相机,它可能会拒绝您的应用。

最好的方法是提供对iOS 6+的支持,该支持将不包括第一代ipad。

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