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[英]Change tab title of “Integration” Tab in woocommerce admin panel

I am using a custom plugin to add a woocommerce integration, however i am not sure how can i change the tab title from Integration to Cutom title , 我正在使用自定义插件添加woocommerce集成,但是我不确定如何将选项卡标题从Integration更改为Cutom title

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

You can not change the name of the integration tab. 您无法更改集成选项卡的名称。 Multiple integrations are supposed to share the integration tab, so it wouldn't make sense to allow changing the name. 多个集成应该共享“集成”选项卡,因此允许更改名称没有任何意义。

It is basically like the 'Shipping' or 'Checkout' tab, so third party integrations show up in a secondary menu. 它基本上类似于“发货”或“结帐”标签,因此第三方集成显示在辅助菜单中。 You can see this behavior once there are 2+ integrations loaded. 一旦加载了2个以上的集成,就可以看到此行为。

You can set the name of your page in the secondary menu by setting the method_title property in your constructor: 您可以通过在构造函数中设置method_title属性来在辅助菜单中设置页面名称:

public function __construct()
    $this->method_title = 'Your plugin title';

Woocommerce explains when it's appropriate to use the integration tab vs a new tab in their plugin guide . Woocommerce在其插件指南中说明了何时使用集成标签或新标签。

If you need to create an entirely new settings tab there is a guide here: 如果您需要创建全新的设置标签,请在此处找到指南:

http://speakinginbytes.com/2014/07/woocommerce-settings-tab/ http://speakinginbytes.com/2014/07/woocommerce-settings-tab/

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