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WooCommerce - 选项卡不活动时更改页面标题

[英]WooCommerce - Change page title when tab is not active

I am looking for function for WooCommerce which change meta title text in non-active tab.我正在寻找 WooCommerce 的 function 来更改非活动选项卡中的元标题文本。 Anybody know how can I do it?有人知道我该怎么做吗? I find this JS code but it does not work in themes function.php file:我找到了这个 JS 代码,但它在主题 function.php 文件中不起作用:

$(function() {
  var message = "Don't forget us";
  var original;

  $(window).focus(function() {
    if (original) {
      document.title = original;
  }).blur(function() {
    var title = $('title').text();
    if (title != message) {
      original = title;
    document.title = message;

You can put that script into a tag <script></script> in the footer.php file wich should be located in your theme (don't forget to actually duplicate this file inside your child theme)您可以将该脚本放入页脚中的标签<script></script>中。php 文件应该位于您的主题中(不要忘记在您的子主题中实际复制此文件)

EDIT: Also make sur to have JQuery in your frontend编辑:也让 sur 在你的前端有 JQuery

The following goes into functions.php以下进入functions.php

add_action('wp_head', function () {
        (function () {
            var message = "Don't forget us"
            var original

            jQuery(window).on("focus", function () {
                if (original) {
                    document.title = original
            }).on("blur", function () {
                var title = jQuery("title").text()
                if (title != message) {
                    original = title
                document.title = message

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