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[英]Actor - Actor (Sequence Diagram)

I'm just wondering if it's possible if an actor to actor is allowed in sequence diagram. 我只是想知道序列图中是否允许一个演员到另一个演员。

and if so can an actor receive true/false statement? 演员是否可以收到对/错陈述?


The left one is an actor and the right one is a Class. 左边的是演员,右边的是班级。


Actor-to-actor depiction is used in sequence diagram to shows real-life interaction between the actors, usually at the system level. 在时序图中使用角色间的描述来显示角色之间的实际交互,通常是在系统级别。 The goal is to use sequence diagram to identify logic flow and behaviour within the system. 目的是使用顺序图来识别系统内的逻辑流和行为。

In light of that, it doesn't make sense (and not very helpful) to return a true/false statement to either your aPassenger nor your aCheckInStaff . 有鉴于此,向您的aPassengeraCheckInStaff返回true / false语句没有意义(并且不是很有帮助)。 The message that aCheckInStaff receives should be along the line of " is this ticket valid (does the name match the ID shown, has the ticket expired etc.)? " And that same information will then be passed along to your aPassenger (perhaps together with a boarding pass, if the ticket is valid) to indicate if subsequent flow of actions ie does aPassenger need to fix the error, or can she proceed to gates? aCheckInStaff收到的消息应为“ 此票证是否有效(名称是否与显示的ID匹配,票证已过期等?)? ”然后,相同的信息将被传递给您的aPassenger (也许与登机牌(如果机票有效),以指示随后的行动流程,例如, aPassenger是否需要纠正错误,还是可以登机?

There is a good actor-to-actor interaction example here . 这是一个很好的演员,对演员的互动例子在这里 Take a look at Figure 1 and follow along its use case description here . 看一下图1,并在此处遵循其用例描述。

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