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SQL Server 2005在列中划分两行

[英]SQL Server 2005 Dividing two rows in a column

I have a table set up like this: 我有一个这样的表:

        Description                Jan |  Feb  | Mar  | Apr .....   

Days in Month

Gal/Day Average

I would like to be able to divide the volume for each month by the Days (and multiply by 100) to fill in the gal/day average row for each month. 我希望能够将每个月的交易量除以天数(并乘以100)来填写每个月的gal /天平均行。

The farthest I've gotten code wise is: 我最聪明的代码是:

Update Table
set [Jan] = ?
where Description = 'Gal/Day Average'

Not a very good data format, but you could do: 这不是很好的数据格式,但是您可以执行以下操作:

Update toupdate
    set [Jan] = volume.jan / dim.jan
    from table toupdate cross join 
         table volume cross join
         table dim
    where toupdate.description = 'Gal/Day Average' and
          volume.description = 'Volume' and
          dim.description = 'Days In Month';

A much better data format would have the columns: 更好的数据格式将具有以下列:

  • month
  • (possibly year) (可能是年份)
  • volume 体积
  • daysinmonth daysinmonth
  • average 平均

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