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[英]XNA Buffer Best Practice

I am currently converting a 2D game to 3D, never having worked with 3D before I am trying to learn as I go. 我目前正在将2D游戏转换为3D,在尝试学习之前从未使用过3D。 I am wondering what the best way to use vertex/index buffers is. 我想知道使用顶点/索引缓冲区的最佳方法是什么。

Currently I am looping through a grid and creating a set of buffers for each tile type, these are then used in the draw method. 目前,我正在遍历网格并为每种图块类型创建一组缓冲区,然后在draw方法中使用它们。 Im presuming I shouldnt use multiple sets of vertex buffers but dont know of another way to do this, as each tile is a different texture. 我想我不应该使用多组顶点缓冲区,但不知道另一种方法,因为每个图块都是不同的纹理。

Grid loop 网格循环

for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(xPos / 2) - 30; i < Convert.ToInt32(xPos / 2) + 30; i++)
            for (int a = Convert.ToInt32(yPos / 2); a < Convert.ToInt32(yPos / 2) + 50; a++)
                if (mapXtile > 0 && mapYtile > 0 && mapXtile < Globals.mapsizex && mapYtile < Globals.mapsizey)
                    int currentTile = Globals.levelArray[level, mapXtile, mapYtile].TyleType;

                    if (currentTile == tyleType.grass)
                        createCubeVertices(i * 2, a * 2, 1, 0f, count, grassVertices);
                        SetUpBufferIndices(count, grassIndices);

                    if (currentTile == tyleType.water)
                        createCubeVertices(i * 2, a * 2, 1, 0f, count, waterVertices);
                        SetUpBufferIndices(count, waterIndices);
                mapYtile = mapYtile + 1;
            mapXtile = mapXtile + 1;
            mapYtile = Convert.ToInt32(yPos / 2);
CopyToBuffers(grassVertices, grassIndices);
CopyToWaterBuffers(waterVertices, waterIndices);

Draw code 抽奖码

   foreach (EffectPass pass in grassEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

            device.Indices = myIndexBuffer;
            device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, grassVertices.Length, 0, grassIndices.Length/3);  

        foreach (EffectPass pass in mouseEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

            device.Indices = myWaterIndexBuffer;
            device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 10000);

Any advice is greatly appreciated. 任何意见是极大的赞赏。


Your options: 您的选择:

  1. Single atlas texture. 单个地图集纹理。 Advantages: easy, fast, default shaders can be used. 优点:可以轻松,快速地使用默认着色器。 Disadvantages: texture seams. 缺点:纹理接缝。

  2. Multitexturing. 多纹理。 Advantages: powerful and flexible, you control everything. 优点:强大而灵活,您可以控制一切。 Disadvantages: more complex, custom shaders, slower. 缺点:更复杂,自定义着色器,速度较慢。

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