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[英]create bitmap to screen size keeping ratio


I'm trying to make a Wallpaper Application. 我正在尝试制作墙纸应用程序。 And I had big trouble during set wallpaper with bitmap. 而且在使用位图设置墙纸时遇到了很大的麻烦。 I have tried to figure out the answer for a week. 我试图找出答案一个星期。

I want to set Bitmap in to wallpaper like 我想将位图设置为墙纸

  1. avoid crop 避免作物
  2. scaleType:fit_center(align center vertical, keep original bitmap's ratio) scaleType:fit_center(垂直对齐中心,保持原始位图的比例)

How can I make it? 我该怎么做? Do I have to create new bitmap? 我必须创建新的位图吗?

You need to resize the picture to make a new bitmap according to your screen size. 您需要调整图片大小,以根据屏幕尺寸制作新的位图。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

        Bitmap bitmapOrg = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(getApplicationContext()
                .getFilesDir().toString() + "/images/" + imagename);

        Log.e("imageheight", "" + bitmapOrg.getHeight());
        Log.e("imagewidth", "" + bitmapOrg.getWidth());

        double imageheight = bitmapOrg.getHeight();
        double imagewidth = bitmapOrg.getWidth();

        DisplayMetrics metrics = getApplicationContext().getResources()
        double screenwidth = metrics.widthPixels;
        double sreeenheight = metrics.heightPixels;

        Log.e("screennwidth", "" + screenwidth);

        double newratio = screenwidth / imagewidth;

        Log.e("newratio", "" + newratio);

        double newratio1 = newratio * imageheight;
        double newratio2 = newratio * (imagewidth - 10); // 10 margin in width

        Log.e("newratio1", "" + newratio1);

        int mainheight = (int) newratio1;
        // int mainweidth = (int) imagewidth;
        int mainweidth = (int) newratio2;
        Log.e("Mainheight", "" + mainheight);
        Log.e("Mainweidtht", "" + mainweidth);

        // Here you will get the scaled bitmap
        Bitmap new_ScaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapOrg, mainweidth,mainheight, true);
       // Use this bitmap as wallpaper

To fit the Bitmap to the screen without cutting anything of, you first have to decide if the aspect ratio is bigger than the one the screen has or smaller. 若要使位图适合屏幕而不剪切任何内容,首先必须确定纵横比是大于还是小于屏幕。 If the image aspect ratio is bigger than the screen aspect ratio, that means the bitmap is higer and/or not as wide as the screen, like the second image in the question. 如果图像的宽高比大于屏幕的高宽比,则表示位图比屏幕高和/或不如屏幕宽,就像问题中的第二张图像一样。 So you should scale the image based on the height like this: 因此,您应该像这样根据高度缩放图像:

if(imageWidth/imageHeight > screenWidth/screenHeight){
    scaleFactor = screenHeight/imageHeight;
    imageXPosition = screenWidth/2-imageWidth/2;
    imageYPosition = 0;

Else the image should be scaled based on the width like this: 否则,图像应根据宽度进行缩放,如下所示:

    scaleFactor = screenWidth/imageHeight;
    imageXPosition = 0;
    imageYPosition = screenWidth/2-imageWidth/2;

You can use these values to draw the bitmap using a Matrix or create a scaled Bitmap with the dimensions imageWidth*scaleFactor and imageHeight*scaleFactor and draw it at imageXPosition | 您可以使用这些值使用矩阵绘制位图,也可以创建尺寸为imageWidth*scaleFactorimageHeight*scaleFactor的比例位图,并在imageXPosition | imageYPosition (this is more memory saving. imageYPosition (这可以节省更多的内存。

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