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[英]Why data.frame column is not changing in R

I have following data frame: 我有以下数据框:

  vnum1     vnum2
1     1 0.6380312
2     1 0.1737218
3     1 0.3528707
4     1 0.8670922
5     1 0.6498109
> str(ddf)
'data.frame':   5 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ vnum1: num  1 1 1 1 1
 $ vnum2: num  0.638 0.174 0.353 0.867 0.65

I want to change all values of vnum1 from 1 to 4. 我想将vnum1的所有值从1更改为4。

Why following do not work: 为什么以下操作无效:

> rbind(ddf, ddf[,1]=4)
Error: unexpected '=' in "rbind(ddf, ddf[,1]="

Following adds only one number and that too to both columns. 以下仅将一个数字加到两列。 It is obviously not working correctly. 它显然无法正常工作。

> rbind(ddf, (ddf[,1]=4))
  vnum1     vnum2
1     1 0.6380312
2     1 0.1737218
3     1 0.3528707
4     1 0.8670922
5     1 0.6498109
6     4 4.0000000

There are two problems here. 这里有两个问题。

  1. The code doesn't work because = as you're using it in the argument list of a function is incorrect. 该代码不起作用,因为在函数的参数列表中使用=不正确。 In rbind , = is used to assign names to the arguments. rbind=用于为参数分配名称。

    To see this, try rbind(ddf, ddf[,1] <- 4) versus rbind(ddf, ddf[,1]=4) 为此,请尝试rbind(ddf, ddf[,1] <- 4)rbind(ddf, ddf[,1]=4)

    Also try rbind(ddf, X = 3) and look at the row names. 也尝试rbind(ddf, X = 3)并查看行名。

  2. rbind is a row bind function. rbind是一个行绑定函数。 So when you call rbind(ddf, ddf[,1]=4) you are trying to add a new row filled with 4's to the bottom of ddf . 因此,当您调用rbind(ddf, ddf[,1]=4)您尝试在ddf的底部添加一个新行,其中填充了4。

That said, to replace all the values in the first column with 4, you can just use ddf[,1]=4 , like you have in your rbind call, or you can also do 就是说,要将第一列中的所有值替换为4,您可以像使用rbind调用一样使用ddf[,1]=4 ,或者也可以

ddf$vnum1 <- 4L

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