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[英]How do I use sbatch with SLURM and a makefile?

I am trying to submit batch jobs to SLURM but I keep getting JobState=FAILED Reason=NonZeroExitCode . 我正在尝试向SLURM提交批处理作业,但我一直在获取JobState=FAILED Reason=NonZeroExitCode I can compile and run the code fine on regular g++ but I have to use SLURM for an assignment for school. 我可以在常规g ++上编译并运行代码,但是我必须使用SLURM进行学校作业。 I thought I was running them properly and I got a nasty-gram from the root telling me to quit running scripts on the login node. 我以为我可以正常运行它们,并且从根源得到了一个讨厌的语法,告诉我退出登录节点上的运行脚本。 Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 Here is my batch file and my Makefile: 这是我的批处理文件和我的Makefile:

#SBATCH -N1 -n1 --mem-per-cpu=100m -t00:05:00
echo "#SBATCH -N1 -n1 --mem-per-cpu=100m -t00:05:00 --qos=test"
cd /home/<username>/AFS/cse_430/Project1/Parallel/
module load gcc/4.9.1
make clean
make all
echo "Running single threaded code..."
./run "SeqCA(57;4,10).txt"
echo "Done experiment. Check log.txt"

Makefile: 生成文件:

EXEC=run    # name of executable is run
CC=g++      # compile with g++
CFLAGS=-std=c++11 -fopenmp -c -Wall 

all: $(EXEC)

$(EXEC): main.o threeSeq.o fourSeq.o fiveSeq.o
    $(CC) -fopenmp -o $(EXEC) main.o threeSeq.o fourSeq.o fiveSeq.o 

main.o: main.cpp
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp

threeSeq.o: threeSeq.cpp threeSeq.hpp
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) threeSeq.cpp

fourSeq.o: fourSeq.cpp fourSeq.hpp
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) fourSeq.cpp

fiveSeq.o: fiveSeq.cpp fiveSeq.hpp
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) fiveSeq.cpp

    rm -f *.o
    rm -f $(EXEC)
    rm -f *log.txt

You should submit your jobs with: sbatch jobscript.sh 您应该使用以下命令提交工作:sbatch jobscript.sh

Check also the output files from slurm to check for errors on the job execution. 还要检查Slurm的输出文件,以检查作业执行中的错误。 By default slurm stores the stdout and err in the slurm-.out file 缺省情况下,slurm将stdout和err存储在slurm-.out文件中

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