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[英]Blender how to round edges of face

I'm trying to make a round eye in my object by selecting a face, pressing e, dragging it into the face a little bit and I'm trying to make that eye round instead of square. 我试图通过选择一个面部,按e,将其拖到面部中一点来使自己的眼睛变成圆形,然后尝试使该眼睛变成圆形而不是正方形。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

There is "To Sphere" Alt Shift S available under Mesh->Transform. 这里是“球”提供Alt键 移动 S Mesh-下>变换。 As the name suggests it adds a spherical influence, if the selected verts lay flat on a plane the result is circular. 顾名思义,它增加了球面影响,如果选定的顶点平放在平面上,则结果为圆形。

Another option is an addon called LoopTools. 另一个选项是名为LoopTools的插件。 Enable it and you have some extra options in the specials menu ( W ) which includes Circle, which will give a circular influence to the selected vertices. 启用它,您将在特殊菜单( W )中包含一些其他选项,其中包括“圆”,它将对选定的顶点产生圆形影响。

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