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[英]Count number of occurrences of a given list of strings in a data stream

I have a stream of data something like, 我有类似的数据流,

stream = "carracecowtenhihellocohiwcar ......"

and i have to get no. 而且我得不到。 of occurrence of all words in the list from the stream 流中列表中所有单词的出现次数

words = ["car", "cow", "hi", ....]

So, result would be something like 因此,结果将是

result = {
  "car": 2,
  "cow": 1,
  "hi": 2,

with my current implementation, I am iterating through the list of words and add them to dict as below, 在当前的实现中,我要遍历单词列表,并将其添加到字典中,如下所示:

I am looking for some better way to do it, as list of words keep on increasing and data from stream in continuous. 我正在寻找一种更好的方法,因为单词列表不断增加,并且流中的数据连续不断。

This is what I have currently, 这就是我目前所拥有的

import re
def word_count(stream_obj):

    mydict = {}
    words = ["car", "cow", "hi", "hello"]
    max_word_len = len(max(words, key=len))
    regex = re.compile("|".join(words))
    last_chunk_remainder = ""

    while(stream_obj.getchunk() is not None):
        stream_data = last_chunk_remainder + stream_obj.getchunk()
        for word in words:
            mydict[word] = stream_data.count(word)

        # to handle the corner case like if the stream chunk ends with
        # “ca” and first letter of next is "r", so that make the word
        # match words in the list, which is "car"
        if not regex.findall(stream_data[-max_word_len:]):
            last_chunk_remainder = stream_data[-max_word_len:]

Thanks 谢谢

stream = "carracecowtenhihellocohiwcar"
words = ["car", "cow", "hi"]
print { word:stream.count(word) for word in words }

So I played around a bit with a trie-based approach to your problem (now that I understand what you want). 因此,我以基于特里的方法解决了您的问题(现在,我知道您想要什么)。 Maybe you can find something useful in it. 也许您可以在其中找到有用的东西。 There is an initial idea, an abstract interface slapped around that idea, to help looking for more efficient solutions, and a few pytest tests to help understand whether/how it works. 有一个最初的想法,一个围绕该想法的抽象界面,以帮助寻找更有效的解决方案,以及一些pytest测试以帮助了解其是否/如何工作。 There are trie modules out there, but this seemed like more fun, for now. 那里有trie模块,但是到目前为止,这似乎更有趣。

from collections import defaultdict

# Faking an infinite stream of characters
from itertools import cycle
stream = cycle('carracecowtenhihellocohiwcar')

# Just exploring the idea of a trie. If it works, we can think about a
# more efficient implementation later.
def new_trie_branch():
    return defaultdict(new_trie_branch)

# A symbol used to indicate leaves in the trie
END_OF_WORD = object()

# The trie is implemented as a dictionary mapping letters to
# sub-tries. The pseudo-letter END_OF_WORD marks the end of a path in
# the trie which corresponds to a valid whole word.
def make_trie(words):
    trie = new_trie_branch()
    for word in words:
        branch = trie
        for letter in word:
            branch = branch[letter]
        branch[END_OF_WORD] = True
    return trie

# As each letter comes out of the stream, it is fed into a collection
# of 'listeners'. Each listener is a stateful function which
# corresponds to some location in the trie and is aware of the word
# prefix which describes the path from the trie's root to the current
# node. When such a listener is given a letter, it checks (in the trie)
# whether the prefix plus the new letter form a complete word: if so,
# it bumps the word count for that word. It also checks whether the
# prefix plus the new letter form a valid longer prefix: if so, it
# adds a new listener (corresponding to the next node in the trie)
# into the collection of listeners that will be applied to the next letter to
# come out of the stream.
def count_words_in_stream(words, stream, word_count = None):
    word_count = defaultdict(int) if word_count is None else word_count

    def make_listener(branch, prefix):
        def listener(next_letter):
            if next_letter in branch:
                next_branch = branch[next_letter]
                word = prefix + next_letter
                if END_OF_WORD in next_branch:
                    word_count[word] += 1
                next_listeners.append(make_listener(next_branch, word))
        return listener

    start_of_word_listener = make_listener(make_trie(words), '')
    listeners = [start_of_word_listener]
    for letter in stream:
        next_listeners = [start_of_word_listener]
        for listen in listeners:
        listeners = next_listeners
    return word_count

# Now we try to come up with an implementation-independent interface
# for the trie to allow us to refactor more easily in search of a more
# efficient implementation, if necessary.
class Trie(object):

    def __init__(self, words):
        self._trie = make_trie(words)

    # Checks whether the given WORD is present in the trie
    def __contains__(self, word):
        trie = self._trie
        for letter in word:
            if letter not in trie:
                return False
            trie = trie[letter]
            return END_OF_WORD in trie

    # The 'in' operator (__contains__) checks for the presence of a
    # whole word in the trie, so we need a different interface for
    # checking whether a given branch exists at this node.
    def has_branch(self, branch_id):
        return branch_id in self._trie

    # Picks one branch of the trie
    def __getitem__(self, branch_id):
        branch = Trie('')
        branch._trie = self._trie[branch_id]
        return branch

    # Iterates over the branches of this trie
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._trie)

# Same as count_words_in_stream above, but uses the abstract interface
# we just invented.
def abstract_count_words_in_stream(words, stream, word_count = None):
    word_count = defaultdict(int) if word_count is None else word_count

    def make_listener(branch, prefix):
        def listener(next_letter):
            if branch.has_branch(next_letter):
                next_branch = branch[next_letter]
                word = prefix + next_letter
                if next_branch.has_branch(END_OF_WORD):
                    word_count[word] += 1
                next_listeners.append(make_listener(next_branch, word))
        return listener

    start_of_word_listener = make_listener(Trie(words), '')
    listeners = [start_of_word_listener]
    for letter in stream:
        next_listeners = [start_of_word_listener]
        for listen in listeners:
        listeners = next_listeners
    return word_count

# Some tests of the implementation. These are written in the pytest
# framework.
from pytest import mark

# Testing the specific implementation details. Just to get us going.
@mark.parametrize('words, trie', (
     {'o': {'n': {'e': {END_OF_WORD: True}}}}),
    ('one two'.split(),
     {'o': {'n': {'e': {END_OF_WORD: True}}},
      't': {'w': {'o': {END_OF_WORD: True}}}}),
    ('abc abd'.split(),
     {'a': {'b': {'c': {END_OF_WORD: True},
                  'd': {END_OF_WORD: True}}}})
def test_make_trie(words, trie):
    assert make_trie(words) == trie

count_words_test_data = ('words, stream, expected', (
    (['cow'] ,'abcdefg', {}),
    (['cow'] ,'cowcowcow', {'cow':3}),
    ('cow car fish'.split(), 'cowcarfishcarcarfishcow',
     {'cow':2, 'car':3, 'fish':2}),
    ('and hand handy'.split(), 'handyandhand',
     {'and':3, 'hand':2, 'handy':1}),

def test_count_words_in_stream(words, stream, expected):
    assert count_words_in_stream(words, stream) == expected

# Testing the abstract Trie interface. This will help if we want to
# refactor the implementation in search of something more efficient.
@mark.parametrize('words, absents', (
    ('one'.split(), 'o on ono'.split()),
    ('o on one'.split(), []),
    ('abc abd'.split(), ['ab'])
def test_Trie_word_presence(words, absents):
    trie = Trie(words)
    for word in words:
        assert word in trie
    for absent in absents:
        assert absent not in trie

def test_abstract_count_words_in_stream(words, stream, expected):
    assert abstract_count_words_in_stream(words, stream) == expected

I got it working and have tried to cover all know corner cases, will be really thankful if you can propose some suggestions/improvements, Thanks for help, and sorry for initial incomplete question. 我已开始工作,并尝试涵盖所有已知的极端情况,如果您能提出一些建议/改进,将非常感谢,感谢您的帮助,对于最初的不完整问题深表歉意。

import re
from collections import defaultdict

WORD_COUNTS = defaultdict(int)
WORDS = ["car", "cat", "cow", "hi", "hello"]
MAX_WORD_LEN = len(max(WORDS, key=len))
REGEX = ("|".join(WORDS))
RE_OBJ = re.compile(REGEX)

def count_words(stream):
    last_stream_remainder = ""

    while True:
        data = stream.get_chunk()

        # Breaking point 
        if data is None:

        if not data:

        data = last_stream_remainder + data
        for match in RE_OBJ.finditer(data):
            WORD_COUNTS[match.group(0)] += 1

        # to cover the corner case like remainder from last 
        # chunk can attach with new one and make a word
        if match:
            if match.end() >= len(data):
                last_match = min((len(data) - match.end()), MAX_WORD_LEN)
                last_stream_remainder = data[-last_match:]
            last_stream_remainder = data[-MAX_WORD_LEN:]

class StreamReader(object):
    STREAM_DATA = ["car1cat1lftrysomecow1shi1iamgoinghello1pleasegoocar2sarehere",
                   "car3car4car5cat2cat3h", "i2thisishello2hello3he", "", "llo4", None]

    def get_chunk(self):
        return self.STREAM_DATA.pop(0)

stream = StreamReader()

print WORD_COUNTS.items()
# [('car', 5), ('hi', 3), ('hello', 4), ('cow', 1), ('cat', 3)]

Here's my take on it. 这是我的看法。 Takes O(k) time per character, or O(nk) for the whole stream, where k is the length of the word and n is length of the stream; 每个字符花费O(k)时间,或整个流取O(nk),其中k是单词的长度,n是流的长度; and O(k) space. 和O(k)空间。

class Solution:
  def __init__(self, s):
    self.buff, self.count, self.s = '', 0, s
  def process(self, a):
    self.buff += a
    if len(self.buff) > len(self.s):
      self.buff = self.buff[1:]
      if (self.buff) == self.s:
        self.count += 1

And here are some tests: 这是一些测试:

solution = Solution('cocoa')
assert solution.count == 0
assert solution.count == 1
print('First test passed')

solution.count = 0
solution = Solution('acbcc')
stream = 'acbcbcc'
for a in stream:
assert solution.count == 0
print('Second test passed')

I tried the below code and it worked well for me. 我尝试了下面的代码,它对我来说很好用。 Used trie trees for solving this problem. 用特里树解决了这个问题。

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import cycle

def new_trie_branch():
    return defaultdict(new_trie_branch)

END_OF_WORD = object()

def make_trie_tree(words):
    trie = new_trie_branch()
    for word in words:
        branch = trie
        for letter in word:
            branch = branch[letter]
        branch[END_OF_WORD] = True
    return trie

def count_words_in_stream(words, stream, word_count = None):
    word_count = defaultdict(int) if word_count is None else word_count

    def make_listener(branch, prefix):
        def listener(next_letter):
            if next_letter in branch:
                next_branch = branch[next_letter]
                word = prefix + next_letter
                if END_OF_WORD in next_branch:
                    word_count[word] += 1
                next_listeners.append(make_listener(next_branch, word))
        return listener

    start_of_word_listener = make_listener(make_trie_tree(words), '')
    listeners = [start_of_word_listener]
    for letter in stream:
        next_listeners = [start_of_word_listener]
        for listen in listeners:
        listeners = next_listeners
    return word_count

stream = "acacathellockword"
words = ['aca','cat','hell','hello','lock','world']

Output : 输出:

    {'aca': 2, 'cat': 1, 'hell': 1, 'hello': 1, 'lock': 1}

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