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OpenCV - 身体轮廓手术检测

[英]OpenCV - body contour artmpits detection

Good day. 美好的一天。

I'm trying to analyze a human body contour using openCV. 我正在尝试使用openCV分析人体轮廓。 I already recognized head (topmost point of contour), left and right arms (leftmost and rightmost poitns), left and right legs (I split a body contour into two halves and found bottommost points). 我已经识别出头部(轮廓的最高点),左右手臂(最左边和最右边的腿部),左腿和右腿(我将身体轮廓分成两半并找到最底部的点)。 I also have shoulder points (topmost points between corresponding leg and foot). 我也有肩点(相应的腿和脚之间的最高点)。

But I also need to recognize armpits and I have no idea how to. 但我也需要认识腋窝,我不知道该怎么做。 Here's what I already have (red outline is my contour. I'm working with HSV image, if that even matters): 这是我已经拥有的(红色轮廓是我的轮廓。我正在使用HSV图像,如果这甚至很重要):



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