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[英]Accessing struct members by a pointer

I have a multi-instance dialog, whose HWND and DC are contained in a vector of structs. 我有一个多实例对话框,其HWND和DC包含在结构向量中。 Before I call CreateWindowEx() , I allocate memory for a new instance of the struct and pass its pointer to WndProc (with lpParam ). 在调用CreateWindowEx()之前,我为该结构的新实例分配了内存,并将其指针传递给WndProc(使用lpParam )。

Inside the WndProc I have the following code: 在WndProc内部,我有以下代码:

HexParams Hex;
HexParams *pHex;
if (uMsg == WM_NCCREATE) {
    SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) ((CREATESTRUCT *)lParam)->lpCreateParams);
    return TRUE;
} else {
    LONG_PTR lpUserData = GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
    if (lpUserData) {
        pHex = (HexParams *)lpUserData;
        Hex = *pHex;
    } else
        return DefWindowProc(hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

Then throughout the whole WndProc I'm constantly using Hex.Member to acces its memebrs, read from them and write to them (if was left from when it was a single instance and the struct was global). 然后在整个WndProc中,我一直在使用Hex.Member来访问其memebr,对其进行读取并对其进行写入(如果是在单个实例且该结构为全局结构时遗留下来的)。 So when I was adding multi-instance support, I hoped that simply dereferencing the pointer would give me the struct memebrs from that vector. 因此,当我添加多实例支持时,我希望简单地取消引用指针就可以使我从该向量获得struct memebres。

However, the following examples do different things: 但是,以下示例做了不同的事情:

Hex.DC = GetDC(hDlg);
pHex->DC = GetDC(hDlg);

Despite of doing Hex = *pHex; 尽管执行了Hex = *pHex; before it. 在它之前。 pHex->DC writes to my vector element, but Hex.DC writes to somewhere I can't figure out. pHex->DC写入我的向量元素,但是Hex.DC写入我无法弄清楚的地方。 Is there a way to preserve Hex.Member usage in the code, or I'll have to convert them all to pHex->Member ? 有没有办法在代码中保留Hex.Member用法,或者我必须将它们全部转换为pHex->Member

I may be "missing the point of pointers", but I can't get how to properly use them here. 我可能是“缺少指针的要点”,但是在这里我无法获得如何正确使用它们的信息。

Hex is a variable defined in that function. Hex是在该函数中定义的变量。 Writing Hex.DC will refer to 4 bytes within that structure, on the stack of this function call. 在此函数调用的堆栈上,写入Hex.DC将引用该结构内的4个字节。

pHex points somewhere determined by the caller. pHex指向呼叫者确定的某个地方。 Hex = *pHex; will copy the contents of the arriving structure to your local structure. 会将到达的结构的内容复制到您的本地结构。 They are different blocks of memory. 它们是不同的内存块。

Draw a picture of the stack, block out the activation frame of a call, fill in Hex there. 绘制堆栈的图片,遮挡呼叫的激活帧,然后在其中填充十六进制。 Draw other blocks where memory is allocated (global, dynamic, earlier calls) and draw arrows to them to indicate pointers. 绘制其他分配了内存的块(全局,动态,早期调用),并向其绘制箭头以指示指针。

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