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[英]How convert 3d world coordinates to 3d camera coordinates

I have an input 3D vector points in world coordinate system. 我在世界坐标系中输入了3D矢量点。 Can anyone describe or provide a link to a resource that will help me understand and implement the required transformation and matrix mapping to convert into camera coordinates? 谁能描述或提供资源链接,以帮助我理解和实现所需的转换和矩阵映射以转换为相机坐标? Image for this http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/visualize/chview3.gif I know the viewpoint coordinates in this image in world coordinates and them convert into camera coordinates 这个图片http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/visualize/chview3.gif我知道这张图片中的视点坐标是世界坐标,它们会转换为相机坐标

You have to apply two math operations: 您必须应用两个数学运算:

  1. Shift all coordinates by the coordinates of the view point - but in opposite direction. 用视点的坐标移动所有坐标-但方向相反。 After this, the viewpoint is the new origin and all coordinates are expressed according to it. 在此之后,视点是新的原点,并且所有坐标都据此表示。

Example (the '|' just denotes the vector parentheses) 示例(“ |”仅表示向量括号)

|x'|   |x| - |x_vp|
|y'| = |y| - |y_vp|
|z'|   |z| - |z_vp|
  1. Rotate the coordinates. 旋转坐标。 eg first around Z, then Y. This is done via two rotation matrices: 例如,首先绕Z,然后绕Y。这是通过两个旋转矩阵完成的:

Z: Z:

|x''|   | cos a    -sin a    0 |   |x'|
|y''| = | sin a     cos a    0 | * |y'|
|z''|   |  0         0       1 |   |z'|

Y: Y:

|x'''|   | cos b    0    -sin b |   |x''|
|y'''| = |  0       1      0    | * |y''|
|z'''|   | sin b    0     cos b |   |z''|

For example, if your VP is at (1, 1, 1), you first shift it so that the old origin now is at (-1, -1, -1) . 例如,如果您的VP位于(1,1,1),则首先将其移位,以使旧的原点现在位于(-1,-1,-1)。 The camera is still looking into positive x direction, so you would rotate it by 225 degree around z (now spotting on the old z axis) and then by 45 degree around y to spot directly on the old origin. 相机仍在朝x的正方向看,因此您可以将其绕z旋转225度(现在在旧的z轴上定位),然后绕y旋转45度以直接在旧原点上进行定位。

However, you do not rotate the camera, but the whole space around the camera, so you have to multiply the angles by -1. 但是,您不会旋转相机,而是旋转相机的整个空间,因此必须将角度乘以-1。

You can find more infos at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix 您可以在http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix中找到更多信息

If you don't know matrix multiplication, the first chapter there shows it. 如果您不知道矩阵乘法,则在那里的第一章将介绍它。

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